Page 100 - The Remnant Bride
P. 100

and to worship Him. This is the joy set before me. This is my reason for enduring hardship.

               This will keep me standing when all around me is shaken. I am pursuing the prize.
                     Yahshua the Messiah is my portion. His blood is true drink and His flesh is true meat.

               I have had but a small taste and I want more. The feast the world sets before me has no
               flavor in comparison. I choose to pass by the delicacies and rich meats of the world, that I

               might obtain the true riches which are offered to me by the hand of God.
                     It is for such a promise that those who comprise the Bride of Christ will choose to live

               apart from the world. As the sons of Jonadab did and as David did, the Bride will choose the
               priestly  inheritance. Rather  than settling for  the world,  they will  choose God as their

                     In the days ahead, God will display to the sons of men many of His chosen ones, of

               whom the world is not worthy. These will shine forth in great radiance, for they have chosen
               as their glory, the glory of God. These understand the purpose of the wilderness and of

               testing. They will not shrink back from difficulty. They will embrace the cross willingly.
               They will do this for the joy set before them.

                     The shaking that is coming upon the Earth holds no threat for the Bride. It will serve

               only to further refine her as all attachments to the things of the world are stripped away. It
               will prove the wisdom of the Bride in choosing to lean on her Beloved. The Bride will appear
               radiant as her purity is manifested and her love for Christ is displayed.

                     The Bridal Saints will be unveiled before the world and their unveiling will be as

               startling as that of a butterfly which emerges from the cocoon. No longer a lowly caterpillar,
               these will be lovely to behold. Having been eternally transformed by their encounter with
               Christ, they will receive a new name. They will be called the Bride of Christ.
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