Page 10 - The Remnant Bride
P. 10

charge of the house, of all its service, and of all that shall be done in it.”

                     How tragic to be a priest in the kingdom of God, yet not be allowed access to God’s

               presence or His holy things. This will be the portion of much of the church. However, there

               is a remnant who will allow God to purify and refine them; a remnant that is passionate for
               Yahshua and shuns the world and its idols. Of them it will be said:

                       Ezekiel 44:15-16

                       “But the Levitical priests, the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when
                       the sons of Israel went astray from Me, shall come near to Me to minister to Me; and

                       they shall stand before Me... They shall enter My sanctuary; they shall come near to

                       My table to minister to Me and keep My charge.”

                     Yes, being a part of the Bride is an honor accorded to a choice remnant. These will
               have access to the presence of God for all eternity. Many who are at ease in Zion will find

               much to grieve about when they stand before the King. “There will be weeping and wailing
               and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 22:13).

                     Some might be concerned that a message of performance is being taught in this book.
               After  so  much  has  been  written  and  preached about  grace in  recent  years,  many  will

               undoubtedly  be  sensitive  to  anything  that  has  the  appearance  of  works  in  it.  Works,
               however, are a valid concept in scripture. Many in teaching grace have climbed out of the

               ditch of legalism, and bondage to performance, only to fall headlong into the ditch on the

               opposite side of the road that is marked by license and careless living.
                     Salvation (deliverance from the penalty of sin) is by faith in Yahshua the Messiah. This

               faith is given to us by God. There is nothing a believer can do to add to this salvation.
               Christ’s work on the cross was perfect. There is nothing lacking to His finished work in

               making atonement for the sins of man. Paul told the Galatian believers that if they tried to
               add to this salvation by keeping the Law, or by adhering to someone’s list of rules and

               regulations, then Christ had in actuality become of no effect to them. Yahshua’s death was

               needless (Galatians 2:21).
                     There is a whole realm of work outside of deliverance from the penalty of sin, however.
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