Page 8 - The Marriage Covenant
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righteous. If you have been seeking the desires of your own soul, and have found comfort
in hearing ministers proclaim the things you wanted to hear, you stand in a place of great
peril today. The Son of God is very soon to return, and He will recompense every man and
woman according to that which they have done.
Great error has gone forth concerning the doctrines of marriage and divorce. Every
Christian who fears God should study this topic with great diligence. They must rightly
divide the word of God, not searching for something to support the conclusions they desire
to arrive at. This life on earth is very fleeting. The pleasure of the moment will soon give way
to the judgments of the ages to come. Many will experience weeping, wailing, and gnashing
of teeth as they are cast out from the presence of the Lamb and are denied entry to the
marriage supper.
The Spirit of Christ has been directing me to a study of a number of foundational
subjects that are critical in understanding the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
These topics include understanding covenants. The Hebrew word for covenant literally
means “a cut where blood flows.” A blood covenant is enacted whenever a man goes into his
virgin bride. He literally enters between the divided pieces of flesh, as God did when He
enacted His covenant with Abraham. There is much that is profound in this teaching, and
those who understand it will never be able to treat virginity as a common thing. Those who
love God and understand covenant will prize virginity, and desire to remain pure until they
establish a life-long covenant with the one with whom God has chosen for them to become
“one flesh.”
Another related subject is that spoken of in the words, “the life is in the blood.” The
word rendered as life is the Hebrew word nephesh and the Greek word psuche. Both are
words that are equally rendered as soul. Yahweh has declared that the soul of all living
things is in the blood.
Other than through the process of our conception and birth, there is no other time
ordained of God that mankind passes blood from one person to another than in the act of
sexual intercourse. God has given mankind strict prohibitions against partaking of blood,
or eating blood. Only in the intimacy between husband and wife is blood transferred from
one to another. In this way the soul of the man and the woman become mingled. There are
tremendous and terrible ramifications when mankind is promiscuous. As the apostle Paul
I Corinthians 6:18-19
Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body , but the
immoral man sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a
temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are
not your own?
Consider what Paul is saying here. The body is intended to be a temple where the soul
of man communes with the Spirit of God. There are to be no other entities encroaching
upon this holy sanctuary. When a man marries a woman they become one flesh. This is a
union set apart as holy by God. The man and his wife are considered as ONE, and the
temple of the body remains pure.
When a man (or woman) has sexual relations with others that are not their spouse,
they sin against their own body. They are treating the temple of God as an unholy thing.
They are allowing access of foreign souls into their bodies, thereby defiling the temple of