Page 56 - The Marriage Covenant
P. 56

them. The souls of those who are sexually promiscuous become divided and dispersed even
               as water is poured out in the streets.

                       Proverbs 5:15-18
                       Drink water from your own cistern, and fresh water from your own well. Should your
                       springs be dispersed abroad, streams of water in the streets? Let them be yours
                       alone, and not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the
                       wife of your youth.

                     For those who care to pursue the matter, there are spiritual parables that can be
               gleaned from a study of sexually transmitted diseases. The effects of the various viruses and
               bacteria upon the body would prove insightful as one looks at the same consequences of
               unfaithfulness upon the body of Christ, or even the body of the individual.
                     For example, some STDs cause men to become impotent and women to become
               sterile. The fruitfulness of the man and woman’s life is therefore diminished. This is true
               spiritually as well as physically.
                     In all STDs there is the risk of the person infected passing along something harmful
               to others with whom they are intimate. This too is a spiritual parable. If we do not guard our
               lives, and walk in righteousness, the impurity in our life will affect all others with whom we
               communicate and interact.
                     It was mentioned that some STDs lead to debilitating effects such as arthritis. This
               renders the body immobile. So too does the body of Christ, and the individual, become
               hindered in their “walk with Christ” when they have pursued a course of sensuality and sin.
                     These are but a few obvious examples of parables to  be found in a study of the
               consequences  of  sexual  promiscuity.  Undoubtedly  those  with  understanding  of  the
               biological and anatomical processes involved would be able to glean even more detailed
               spiritual insights. Yahweh has designed the physical creation to show forth spiritual truth.
                     We have not yet touched on the root of this matter. Why does Yahweh not desire for
               men  and  women  to  be  promiscuous?  Certainly,  it  is  to  spare  them  the  negative
               consequences spoken of here. However, there is a deeper issue at the heart of all. Yahweh
               caused there to be consequences for sexual infidelity because it is a transgression of His own
               character and nature. The true reasons that Yahweh does not desire for men and women
               to commit fornication and adultery are spiritual in nature.
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