Page 55 - The Marriage Covenant
P. 55

Let me say here that not all sickness is the result of sin. Christ declared that sickness
               was caused by many reasons. At times an individual has sinned leading to sickness. At other
               times their parents have sinned. Sometimes a sickness is due to demonic oppression. At
               other times a person is sick that the glory of God might be revealed in their healing. There
               are many causes of sickness. Without question, one of the leading causes of all types of
               illness and disease is sin.
                     This is one reason why it is so important that Christians abstain from sin, and if they
               have sinned, that they repent of the sin and seek Yahweh’s forgiveness. Yahweh has caused
               there to be consequences of sin in the lives of people.
                     We have only been looking at one aspect of these consequences thus far. There are
               many other dire consequences of violating Yahweh’s commands to abstain for fornication
               and adultery. There are negative mental consequences that occur in the lives of those who
               are sexually promiscuous.
                     The blood stream serves as a source for transmitting sexual disease, and the previous
               post in this series revealed that “the soul is in the blood.” Each STD stands as a parable of
               something  evil,  impure,  and  unclean  in  the  soul  of  another  person  that  has  been
               transmitted during the act of sexual intercourse.
                     Do you think that only physical things are passed between two people who are sexually
               intimate? Far from it. There are many soulish things that are passed as well. Everything that
               is in one person’s blood is given access to the body of the other person through sexual
               contact. Because “the soul is in the blood,” there is not only a union of two bodies, but a
               union of two souls during sexual intercourse.
                     The body is designed to be a temple. The temple of all men and women are filled with
               many things, some clean, and some unclean. One cannot enter a polluted temple and
               worship there without coming away with the stain of the pollution. When men and women
               enter into sexual union, joining two temples together, it is in an act of intimate worship.
               There are things transferred both physically and via the souls of the two who are joined.
                     Yahweh never intended sexual intercourse to be an open and communal activity. From
               the beginning, sexual union was to be only within the context of marriage. When sex is kept
               inside of  marriage the entryway for  sexually  transmitted diseases is shut. The temple
               remains pure. Both the body and the soul of the man and woman are isolated from the
               many  unclean  and  injurious  influences  found  in  the  bodies  of  those  who  are  acting

                       Hebrews 13:4
                       Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for
                       fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

                     People of God, the judgment of God begins in this lifetime, not in the next. Many are
               even now suffering the effects of God’s judgment because they treated as unholy that which
               Yahweh declared to be holy.
                     Beyond the physical damage to the body wrought by unbridled sexual lust, there are
               other detrimental effects. Many men and women who have been sexually promiscuous prior
               to marriage find that they have difficulty being intimate with their spouse. A husband may
               find that he lacks a strong attachment to the soul of a wife who has given herself to other
               men. Likewise, a man that has engaged in fornication will often find it difficult to enter into
               a full union of soul with his wife, leaving her dissatisfied with the lack of intimacy between
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