Page 49 - The Marriage Covenant
P. 49
Today, women live out this fantasy through making themselves sexually alluring. An
almost unbelievable expense and effort is poured forth in pursuit of achieving a sexually
alluring image. What was unheard of a generation ago, is now commonplace. Women,
young and old, are having their bodies surgically sculpted and manipulated to increase their
ability to arouse an animal lust in man. The desire to be lusted after is found deep within
the carnal nature. The Twilight series is merely one of many fantasies Satan presents to the
world today to stir up that which is primal and forbidden.
The attraction for the male is that he becomes the hunter, seeking to partake of that
which is most intimate and forbidden. The male vampire that drinks the blood of a female
is in effect drawing her life, her very soul, into his body. Whether men and women
understand these things, or not, the same passions and desires are present as they seek after
sexual experience. What makes sexual intercourse between a man and woman something
that the fallen nature lusts after with intensity, is not merely the momentary physical
pleasure. It is the desire to enter into union with another soul.
This drive to be in union with the soul of another is very evident in the vampire
fantasies Satan is flooding the world with. The soul is in the blood, and blood is what is
lusted after. What is sometimes less obvious, is that the same desire for soul-union is
present in the sexual infidelities played out millions of times a day.
Even as Yahweh forbade men to drink blood, He has also forbidden illicit sexual
relations. Every time there is a physical union between a man and a woman, there is a
sharing of the soul of the other.
Consider that the consequences of receiving another person’s tainted blood through
needle sharing, or blood transfusions, is the same as having sexual intercourse with them.
Sexually transmitted diseases are communicated through the blood. Whatever is in one
person’s bloodstream enters the bloodstream of the one with whom they are sexually
intimate. HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, and other diseases are
transmitted when the soul of one person mixes with the soul of another in an illicit manner.
Is it not interesting that we speak of partaking of the bread and wine of Christ as
“communion,” and that STD’s are said to be “communicable?” Both speak of a very deep
level of intimacy. There is a sharing of two souls in both instances. It is little wonder that
the relationship between Christ and the church is spoken of in terms of a marriage union.
We have seen in this post that:
• The soul is in the blood.
• Eating blood has ALWAYS been forbidden,
• Drinking the blood of another is a symbol of being a partaker of their spirit,
or soul.
• Sexual intimacy also involves a joining of two souls.
• Yahweh has established prohibitions against sexual union outside of
Why does the Father not allow His children to engage in “free sex”? Why must there
always be a blood covenant between those who experience sexual intimacy with one