Page 73 - The Mark of the Beast
P. 73

Beast Men of the Bible

                   here have been many men and women who have given themselves to sin and to slavery
               Tto the flesh, who have been extraordinarily marked by the beast nature. The Scriptures
               contain  histories  of  many  who  have  failed  to  subdue  and  rule  over  that  which  God
               commanded them. In this chapter I would like to look at a few men who stand out as being
               clear expressions of those who had hearts of beasts, for in looking at their lives we can gain
               understanding of this lower nature that all saints have been called to rule over.
                     In the previous chapter we read about the number 666 being the mark of the beast,
               and it was specifically mentioned that because Adam and Eve bowed down to the beast and
               became subject to the earthly nature, that all of their offspring have been marked by this
               same fallen and corrupt nature. Some of their offspring have waged war against the sin that
               was present in their members and have looked forward to the redemption that has now
               been revealed in Christ Yahshua, and these have obtained a good testimony that they are
               righteous before God (Hebrews 11:4). Yet others have not fought a good fight, and they have
               allowed sin to have the mastery over them.
                     It is not surprising that the very first son of Adam and Eve was one of those who stand
               out as “beast men,” for the tragic consequences of sin could not remain hidden long. This
               first  son  is  a  picture  of  all  those  who  are  born  of  the  flesh  and  who  do  not  walk  as
               overcomers through the blood of Christ, the word of their testimony, and by not loving their
               fleshly and soulish lives. The first son of Adam and Eve was Cain, and we read the following
               about him.

                       Genesis 4:1
                       Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, "I have
                       gotten a manchild from Yahweh.”

                     Mankind  has  witnessed  billions  of  births  since  this  first  one,  but  consider  for  a
               moment how special it was to witness the birth of the very first offspring of a man and a
               woman. It must have been a great mystery, and an awesome marvel, as Adam and Eve
               witnessed Eve’s womb beginning to swell and as they felt the first movement of life within
               her. What a miraculous thing it had to have been to understand that through their union
               another being would come forth after their own image. When the child was born they must
               have examined it closely and observed how perfectly it was a miniature expression of man.
               Eve certainly spoke with amazement and wonder when she proclaimed “I have gotten a
               manchild from Yahweh.”
                     In the last book of the Bible we read of a manchild that is birthed, one who is to rule
               the nations with a rod of iron. This manchild will be fashioned after the image of God,
               bearing His likeness. Perhaps Adam and Eve had such high hopes for Cain. After all, the
               serpent had said that if they ate of the forbidden fruit they would be like God. They may
               have hoped that their son would also be like God. Yet this was not to be, for Cain too
               submitted to the beast nature, rather than subduing and ruling over it.

                       Genesis 4:3-7
                       So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to Yahweh of the
                       fruit of the ground. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of
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