Page 70 - The Mark of the Beast
P. 70

Adam, was created on the sixth day from the dust of the earth. It is generally accepted that
               the number six is representative of man, and particularly of the flesh man. The number six
               is a very interesting number. When we multiply the number six by itself we arrive at the
               number thirty-six. If we add up the sum of all the numbers from one to thirty-six we find
               that the sum of these numbers is 666.
                     In verse 28 of Genesis chapter 1 we read God’s command to the man and woman to
               “multiply.” This multiplication is done through the union of the man and the woman. Since
               both Adam and Eve were of the earth, earthy, they could only produce offspring who were
               also of the earth. They could produce living souls, but their union could not produce life
               giving spirits. Therefore, the multiplication of Adam and Eve, flesh man (6) multiplying
               with flesh woman (6), can only produce more of the same (36). If we are to calculate the
               value of their offspring by summing them all up we arrive at 666.
                     Because Adam and Eve bowed to the beast, all of their offspring were subject to the
               beast nature. They were marked, or engraved, with this nature and became subjected to
               futility and wrath. It would take the divine seed of God being united with woman to produce
               a man that was wholly man and wholly God. This man was Christ, who being in the image
               of sinful flesh was Himself without sin. This Second Man was not earthy (beastly), but
               heavenly. We must experience a second birth, a spiritual birth that arises from the seed of
               Christ,  in  order  that  we  might  escape  the  bondage  to  the  flesh  and  live  as  heavenly

                       I Peter 1:23
                       For you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that
                       is, through the living and enduring Word of God.

                     Let us return to the flesh man and his relation to the number 666. God is the Author
               of all creation and He has revealed His marvelous truths through the creation. As modern
               science has advanced, that which is true science has only served to confirm the marvelous
               design of God in the creation.
                     Today, scientists understand that there are certain elements that are found abundantly
               throughout the universe. One element that is essential to all life, and which is found in all
               organic life forms is carbon. No other element is linked to life to the extent to which carbon
               is so linked. Therefore we often hear the phrase “carbon based life forms.” The life forms
               that are dependent upon carbon are of the earth, earthy. Therefore, we should not be
               surprised if we find in the element carbon a witness of the beast, and even the number of
               the beast.
                     All elements are classified by the number of protons, electrons and neutrons that are
               present within them. No two elements are the same. Only in the element carbon do we find
               six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons. Thus, the life of all flesh is marked with the
               numbers 666. Could God have engraved any deeper this stamp upon earthbound life forms?
               Consider now the following words of the apostle Paul:

                       I Corinthians 15:50-53
                       Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
                       nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will
                       not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at
                       the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raise imperishable,
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