Page 61 - The Mark of the Beast
P. 61

more and more set apart unto God as the Spirit brings before them new enemies to conquer.
               When the Spirit shines the light upon their life and points out some area of sin, they
               respond with agreement, and they turn away from the sin and seek diligently to pursue a
               course of righteousness.
                     There is another group, a much larger group, that are avoiding the cross. The Spirit
               also shines the light on their life, but they make excuses and present justifications for their
               continued carnality and subservience to the flesh. These do not realize that the darkness in
               them is growing darker. They do not see the light being extinguished in their lives, and they
               are unaware of their peril of being excluded from the kingdom of God, of having their place
               in the kingdom given to another.
                     Saul and David are pictures of two types of Christians. God is calling all saints to
               subdue and rule over the beasts and to spare nothing. It is no wonder that Christ is called
               the Son of David, for what David began to do in ruling over the beasts, Christ completed.
               Yahshua subdued and ruled over all. May many sons and daughters come forth in His
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