Page 51 - The Mark of the Beast
P. 51

of the things their soul desires and place them on their refrigerators, or in other places they
               frequently look, so that they might keep a vision of these things in their minds and be
               diligent to give themselves to the pursuit of that which they crave. This is a diabolical evil,
               and  many  are  being  turned  away  from  the  kingdom  of  God  by  preachers  who  are
               proclaiming the things that men’s ears want to hear.
                     How does a believer in Christ know whether he is acting covetously, and whether he
               is content with God’s will and provision for him? It is very easy to deceive oneself in this
               matter. We may claim that all we have came as a gift from God, and that He desires us to
               have an abundance of material things and to be satisfied with many earthly possessions. But
               how did we come to acquire the things we have? Did we submit every purchase to God in
               prayer? Have we surrendered to Him our spending habits?
                     I have found that financial debt is one indicator of a covetous heart. The apostle Paul
               admonished the saints with the following words:

                       Romans 13:8
                       Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another...
                       (Amplified Bible)

                     Those who have heard my own testimony know that I once struggled greatly with
               covetousness and I had much debt. The person who desires many things will manifest a
               willingness to place himself in bondage to acquire the things today that his soul longs for.
               It was only through much pain that I was delivered from the covetousness that I was
               formerly given over to. I do not have nearly as many possessions today as I once had, but
               I am free of all debt.
                     Many people in the church today view their Christian faith as a means to acquire
               worldly goods. Paul warned Timothy of such men, and described them with the words that
               they “suppose godliness is a means to gain.” To answer the question of whether we are free
               from covetousness, or not, we should carefully consider the words of Paul to his son in the

                       I Timothy 6:6-11
                       Godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. For
                       we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either.
                       If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. But those who want to
                       get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which
                       plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of
                       evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced
                       themselves with many griefs. But flee from these things...

                     Do we have the mindset of seeking the things above, rather than things on this earth?
               Do we live as if we understand that none of the possessions of this world will follow us when
               we  depart  this  life?  Are  we  content  with  food  and  covering,  or  have  we  pursued  and
               accumulated much of the world’s goods? It might be illuminating to walk around your
               home some time and make a note of everything you possess that is not related to food and
               covering. Note all things that are related to entertainment, to creature comforts, to fulfilling
               some desire of your soul. What things fill the rooms of your home, your closets, your garage,
               your attic? Have you had to purchase a larger home just to contain all the “stuff” you have
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