Page 25 - The Mark of the Beast
P. 25
Christ in His death in order to be joined with Him in the power of His resurrection, can man
rise above the beast nature and bear the image of the heavenly. Many teachers of prophecy
are telling the saints that they must refuse to receive some physical mark that will one day
be given, while failing to admonish the saints to rule over the beast nature that assails them
daily. They should teach the former without neglecting the latter.
In closing this chapter, let me recap what has been shared. The opening chapter of
Genesis which details the creation of the earth, its judgment and its re-creation, is a type
and foreshadowing of man. Man too fell and was judged. He became formless and covered
in darkness, and he too needs the moving of the Spirit of God upon Him to refashion him
after God’s image in order that God might declare man good. The six days of creation are
a picture of the process man must go through in this restoration, and the goal is the seventh
day, the Sabbath rest of God where all is in harmony with the Father.
The vast majority of the church has failed to progress through all six days to arrive at
the seventh. Many have gotten no further than day one, and in this failure they have fallen
short of the grace of God. It is not enough to see the light of day one which speaks of Christ.
Christ is but the door, and there is a straight and narrow path to be followed all the way to
day seven. Many saints have experienced the baptism of the second day, but have failed to
discern the significance of this washing away of sin and separation from wickedness and
death. They have been washed, but then many return to the mire of sin. Those who arrive
at the third day will experience the resurrection life of Christ, and it is through this union
with Christ that the child of God is able to walk as an overcomer in this world and to
produce fruit in their lives that will abide to the glory of the Father.
This leads to the fourth day when the saints are to be as lights set in the firmament
of heaven. Many of these stars have been cast back to the earth as unripe figs, but there is
a remnant who will shine with the glory of Christ. On the fifth and sixth days the beasts are
created which mankind must rule over. If a man should exercise dominion over the beast
nature he will then attain to God’s Sabbath rest. There will be rest in the land, which is
man’s body, and the will of God will be completely fulfilled. Man will have attained to the
image and likeness of God.
There is great grace available in this hour for man to attain to the will of God. Much
of the church is unaware of the desire of God in this matter, and are not availing themselves
of this grace. Many are content to dwell with beasts that are neither subject to them, nor
ruled over. There is a vast multitude who have joined themselves to a harlot church which
rides upon the beast, and the call of God’s Spirit in this hour is to “come out of her, My
people.” Those in this church have no adherence to the governmental order of God. Men
choose to obey the voice of their wives rather than God, and men and women together have
chosen to listen to the voice of the beast, rather than heeding the Word of God.
Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is speaking.