Page 23 - The Mark of the Beast
P. 23

submit to his Head, which is Christ. Man was to receive his direction from Christ, and in
               turn he was to subdue and rule over the beasts of earth and sky and sea. Woman was given
               to man to be a helpmate in this ruling.
                     We know the story of the fall in the Garden of Eden, and how man and woman both
               failed to accept and maintain the government of God. God commanded both the man and
               woman to rule over the beasts, yet Eve allowed the beasts to rule over her. We are told that
               the serpent was the most subtle (cunning and wise) of all beasts of the field. The serpent
               deceived Eve and she submitted herself to the beast. God commanded Eve to subdue the
               beasts and rule over them, making them submit to her as she in turn was subject to God.
               Eve failed to do this, and rather than submitting to God and expressing His image, she
               submitted to the beast and began to express the beast nature.
                     Eve in turn urged her husband to eat of the fruit which God had forbidden them to eat.
               At this point Eve was manifesting the beast nature, for she had submitted to the beast
               rather than God. Paul tells us that we become slaves to the one whom we obey.

                       Romans 6:16
                       Do  you  not  know  that  when  you  present  yourselves  to  someone  as  slaves  for
                       obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey...?

                     Thus, when Eve obeyed the beast she became a slave to the beast nature. Adam
               likewise had to choose whether he would subdue and rule over this beast nature, choosing
               obedience to God and honoring the divine government, or whether he would also bow down
               to the beast and come under its governance. Adam chose to bow down to the beast nature,
               and as he did so the potential to express the image of God within him was lost, and this is
               shown in his being barred from the pathway to the Tree of Life. Adam’s soul became
               darkened and overshadowed by the image of the beast. Adam, who was created to bear the
               image of God, became formless and void, lacking the image of God within him. He also
               came under the curse of darkness.
                     Had God made a miscalculation in His creation? Was His plan to “create man in Our
               image, after Our likeness” thwarted? No! God knew that the first Adam would fail, even as
               the first earth had been subjected to judgment. He had already planned that mankind
               should not be perfected apart from sending His only begotten Son into the earth to subdue
               and  rule  over  the  beast  nature.  This  Christ  did  perfectly.  He  always  maintained  the
               government of God, always being perfect in obedience to the Father, never giving in to the
               suggestions of Satan, the temptations of the flesh, or the enticements of the world. In Christ
               man was seen as a perfect expression of God, and all the saints are called to bear this image
               of the Heavenly.
                     What is missing from the gospel today? There is an absence of this message of ruling
               over the beast nature. Mankind cannot attain to the desire of God to bear His image and
               likeness unless he first rules over all the beasts of earth and sky and sea, that is to say, man
               must subdue and rule over the spiritual antitypes which are depicted in the types of  nature.
               In the following chapters we will examine what the beast nature is more fully. Sadly, many
               saints have not discerned the need to rule over this lower nature. They have tried to make
               peace with the beast, to live harmoniously with it, when it must be subdued and ruled over.
                     There is an entire church portrayed as a harlot and as Babylon in Scripture, who has
               failed to rule over the beast, and it will be this beast that in the end will be her demise. The
               apostle John speaks of this in the book of Revelation.
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