Page 67 - The Gate and the Way
P. 67

break down the natural man so that the life of Christ can be revealed in us.
                     Are you persecuted for your obedience to Christ? It is certainly difficult to find that
               the Christian religious system holds you in contempt, or has declared you to be deluded and
               a heretic. When ministers close the doors of their churches in your face, and you find you
               have no place among them, there is a sense of being alone in this world. This isolation
               drives us closer to our heavenly Father. The same is true when we face persecution from the
               world, from governments, and the courts of the land.
                     Paul said he had learned to be content with difficulties. All disciples of Christ will be
               led into difficulties. Yahshua said that there is an afflicted path that leads to life. His
               invitation is to take up your cross and follow Him. All of these experiences are designed to
               provide us with a favorable environment for spiritual growth. We grow best when our lives
               are difficult.
                     Consider now why Christ told those who would be His disciples that they must give
               up all they possess. Our possessions give us a sense of security, of strength. How many
               people wrap their homes, cars, and possessions around themselves as a security blanket?
               These worldly possessions enable them to feel comfortable and protected. Yet, what man
               needs to grow spiritually is a sense of his vulnerability in this world. When we are weak we
               look to God constantly. When we are weak we are cognizant of our need for God to come
               through for us each and every day, lest we be overcome and perish. When we are weak we
               look to God to perform that which we cannot accomplish in our natural strength. When we
               are weak we trust in God’s thoughts more than our own. Therefore, God chooses for His
               children to experience much weakness in this world.
                     When a man or woman comes to Christ they must lay aside the natural order of their
               former life. Whereas they previously sought to live life from a position of strength, they
               must now embrace weakness. Rather than relying upon their natural abilities to carry them
               through life, they must now look to the Spirit of Christ to direct their steps and empower
               them for every task.
                     Because natural strength is such a detriment to spiritual growth, Christ will ALWAYS
               lead His disciples to experience much weakness in this life. We often read or hear about in
               the news of some young person who has had much fame and fortune at an early age. These
               ones have been overcome by their natural appetites and sinful impulses. They have fallen
               into a lifestyle of sexual immorality, of illegal drug use, or drunkenness, or even theft. Has
               not the church fallen into deception when they would desire to have the same wealth,
               affluence and popularity as these ones who have made shipwreck of their lives? I thank God
               that He has chosen for me an afflicted path, for had I the experience of many of these young
               movie stars and singers I would surely have strayed far from the path of life and lost all
               thought of God.
                     When you and I surrender our lives to be led of the Spirit in all things, Christ will
               upset the normal course of our lives. In some way, indeed in many ways, Yahshua will
               produce weakness in a man or woman. Some who were formerly financially secure will find
               themselves emptied of worldly possessions and wealth. Some who were physically strong
               will find themselves made weak. Some who were accounted as wise in this world will be
               brought into circumstances where they are judged to be fools. As we follow Christ we will
               find that weakness becomes our companion.
                       Weakness  produces  for  men  and  women  the  proper  environment  for  spiritual
               growth. The fruits of the Spirit grow abundantly in the fertile soil of an Adamic life that has
               been  brought  to  poverty.  “Blessed are  the  poor  in  spirit,  for  theirs is  the  kingdom  of
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