Page 47 - The Gate and the Way
P. 47

of Christ. We must not shrink back from these experiences as Peter did on the night of
               Christ’s arrest. We must embrace the cross appointed to each of us.
                     The vast majority of Christians in America who come across articles such as those
               cited  in  this  chapter  will  be  alarmed.  Their  immediate  response  will  be  to  cry  out  in
               indignation, and perhaps to engage in some carnal means of averting further persecution
               against Christians. The church has not been taught the role and necessity of suffering for
               Christ. Deceptive teachings that assert that God wants to provide an uninterrupted life of
               blessing and prosperity to the saints has deeply weakened the churches ability to stand.
               When persecution and suffering presents itself to the church in coming days, a great many
               will fall away.

                       Mark 4:16-17
                       “And in a similar way these are the ones on whom seed was sown on the rocky
                       places, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy; and they have
                       no  firm  root  in  themselves,  but  are  only  temporary;  then,  when  affliction  or
                       persecution arises because of the word, immediately they fall away.”

                     Christ encouraged those who would follow as His disciples to adopt a very different
               mindset from that which is so prevalent in this hour of sensuality, ease, and comfort. He
               told His disciples to think of themselves as “blessed” when all men hate them. He told them
               to “leap for joy” with the understanding that they have a great reward in heaven.
                     It is a privilege to be permitted to share in the sufferings of Christ. In coming days,
               many saints will be invited to partake of this privilege. To natural eyes, such things look like
               no privilege at all. Men think it a curse to be turned out of homes, to have their possessions
               confiscated, to be arrested, reproached, blasphemed, and roughly treated. In coming days,
               many will be put in prisons, and some will lose their lives for their obedience to follow
               Christ wherever He would lead. Let us have our minds made up ahead of time that we will
               accept whatever comes, and not turn back.

                       Revelation 12:11
                       “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word
                       of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death.”

                     Let  us  “think  it  not  strange”  when  these  experiences  come  to  us.  Tribulation  is
               appointed to all of the sons of God. There is a cup of suffering that Christ drank from, and
               He would offer it to all who are called and chosen as sons. There is a baptism of fire that all
               must pass through.

                       Mark 10:39
                       Yahshua said to them, “The cup that I drink you shall  drink;  and you shall be
                       baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized.”

                     Let us not be alarmed at the increasing enmity of the world toward Christianity. These
               things must come. The swelling tide of Christian antipathy cannot be turned back through
               political activism, through boycotts, letter writing campaigns, or any other means. Christ
               prophesied that His disciples would be hated by all nations. It is vain to seek to produce a
               safe society where Christians can worship God and serve Him unmolested. To seek such a
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