Page 44 - The Gate and the Way
P. 44

entrusted His life into the hands of His Father knowing that He would be protected until
               the time appointed by the Father for Him to suffer.
                     In Peter, we initially see a very different  response. Observing that Christ’s open
               declaration of the things of God led to arrest and suffering, Peter was initially cowed as he
               feared the same result. Three times on the night of Christ’s arrest, Peter denied that he even
               knew Yahshua. To save himself from suffering, Peter denied the Lord who had chosen him.
                     At the third appearing of Christ after His resurrection, we find Yahshua speaking to
               Peter about his failure. Even as Peter denied Yahshua three times, Christ asks him three
               times, “Peter, do you love Me?” Christ then tells Peter that he cannot avoid suffering, but
               must embrace it. Only in this way will Peter be able to fulfill the desire of God and be
               brought to the full image of Christ.

                       John 21:17-20
                       Yahshua said to him..., "Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were younger, you used
                       to gird yourself, and walk wherever you wished; but when you grow old, you will
                       stretch out your hands, and someone else will gird you, and bring you where you do
                       not wish to go." Now this He said, signifying by what kind of death he would glorify
                       God. And when He had spoken this, He said to him, "Follow Me!"

                     These words of Christ, although having a literal fulfillment, were spoken as a parable
               to reveal spiritual truth. In our immaturity, our lives are guided by our own soul. Our soul’s
               seek to avoid suffering, but following such a course causes Christians to remain as spiritual
               children. In order to progress to maturity we must all stretch out our hands and embrace
               the suffering of the cross appointed to us. We cannot refuse to share in the sufferings of
               Christ. It is only through suffering that we are brought to a mature conformity to Christ.
                     Yahshua was expressing to Peter that he must yield to the cross, and become willing
               to go where his own soul would not choose to go. If Peter would advance to spiritual
               maturity (“when you grow old”), he must permit someone else to gird him and guide him.
               This person is the Spirit of Christ. He will clothe us in garments of humility and lead us
               down an afflicted path.
                     People of God, this story about Paypal cutting off service to this man who has been
               speaking out openly against the sin of homosexuality is just one example of the growing
               intolerance of the preaching of Biblical truth. This morning a sister forwarded to me a link
               to a story on the website Prison Planet. It lists 18 (6+6+6) examples of the persecution of
               Christians at this hour. Whether each of these events are truly examples of suffering for
               Christ, I am unable to judge. However, I am persuaded that Christian persecution is on the
               increase, and will only accelerate. Following is an excerpt from the article:

                       #1  Home  Bible  studies  are  now  banned  in  the  city  of  San  Juan  Capistrano,
                       California.  According to city officials, regular gatherings “of more than three
                       people” in private homes are simply not allowed.  One couple that has held home
                       Bible studies for years has already been fined twice [2] and is being threatened
                       with even more fines.
                       #2 Paypal has initiated “formal investigations” of a large number of Christian
                       websites and organizations. Apparently, many of these investigations have been
                       launched due to concerns that these websites and organizations do not hold to a
                       “politically-correct” view of sexuality...
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