Page 78 - The Divine Quest
P. 78

The Divine Quest                     Page 75

               At this time I was particularly concerned about our power bill, as the power company
               was known to not show much grace to their customers who had fallen behind, and
               with the bill only a few days late they would send out a notice that service would be
               discontinued if payment was not received in the next week. When the bill was due
               the Father had not yet provided the means to pay it. The notice came, and I was still
               unable to pay. The day that the notice said our power could be cut off on came and
               went, and still there was no money to pay the bill. I was expecting to see an employee
               of the power company show up any day to cut our power off, yet I continued to pray
               for God’s provision to be manifested.

               I only received a paycheck from my job once a month, this being on the last working
               day of each month. This date was several weeks past the cut-off date on the notice we
               received. Yet one week went by, and then two, and no one showed up to cut off our
               power. As the last week before I was to get paid arrived I thought we would perhaps
               make it, and no one would show up before I received my paycheck and was able to
               pay my bill.

               On the day before I was to get paid my son came running into my room and said a
               man was in our yard, and he was from the power company. I looked out the window
               and I saw that he was at our meter and he was about to cut off our power, leaving us
               unable to cook, and all of our groceries in the refrigerator would spoil, and since it
               was November, we would also be left in a cold house. I walked out in the yard and
               spoke with the man. I told him I was to get paid the very next day and would be able
               to pay my bill then. He said that since he had never been to our house before on a
               similar call, that he would give us grace and not cut the power off. In the end, we
               never  knew  a  loss  of  power,  and  God  did  meet  our  need, though  He  tested  us
               severely. A couple days later we celebrated Thanksgiving, and we truly had much for
               which to be thankful.

               God has tried us in similar ways many times, yet not once has He failed in providing
               what we needed. He has testified to us that He is our shepherd, and we will not want
               for any necessary thing.

               The prayer of faith that pleases God is not one that is based upon a formula, but that
               which is founded upon our relationship with Him as our loving heavenly Father. All
               of  the  things  spoken  of  prayer  in  this  chapter  will  lead  the  saint  to  press  into
               relationship with God. Prayer begins with discerning His will, and this requires an
               understanding of God, and His will for us. We must often press in to Him to discern
               a specific word for our circumstance, and this also necessitates communion with
               Him. Having discerned His will, we must then believe that He is able and willing to
               meet our request. Finally, we must wait patiently, trusting in His character, as we
               look  for  the  answer  to  come.  All  of  this  leads  the  saint  to  an  ever  deepening
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