Page 77 - The Divine Quest
P. 77

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               humbly  acknowledge  this  fact.  We  must  all  conclude  that  we  are  unworthy  in
               ourselves to merit any favor from God, but in Yahshua we are considered worthy,
               and in His name the Father is pleased to bestow great favor upon us.

               Mr. Muller also mentioned Psalm 66.

               Psalms 66:18
               If I regard iniquity in my heart, Yahweh will not hear...

               Mr. Muller expounded on this verse, “That is, if I live in sin, and go on a course
               hateful to God, I may not expect my prayers to be answered.” He went on to share
               that we must also exercise faith in the power and willingness of God to answer our
               prayers. This has been the central theme of this book. We must believe not only in
               God’s power, but in His willingness to act on our behalf. We must believe that He is
               a rewarder of those who seek Him. Mr. Muller pointed to the love of God in not
               withholding His own Son, but in sending Him to the cross on our behalf as the
               evidence of His love for us. He then gave one more point that is equally important,
               and failing in this point has led to many aborted answers to prayer.

               We have to continue patiently waiting on God till the blessing we seek is granted. For
               observe, nothing is said in the text as to the time in which, or the circumstances
               under which, the prayer is to answered. “Ask, and it shall be given you.” There is a
               positive promise, but nothing as to time...

               Moreover, we are never to lose sight of the fact that there may be particular reasons
               why prayer may not at once be answered. One reason may be the need for the
               exercise of our faith, for by exercise faith is strengthened. We all know that if our
               faith were not exercised it would remain as it were at the first. By the trial it is
               strengthened. Another reason may be that we may glorify God by the manifestation
               of patience. This is a grace by which God is greatly magnified. Our manifestation of
               patience glorifies God. There may be another reason. Our heart may not yet be
               prepared for the answer to our prayer.

               I have often found that God will delay in answering my prayers, and at times He will
               be uncomfortably late and I will be tried severely. Yet as I have waited, and have not
               abandoned the course, but have continued looking intently at God to meet my need,
               my faith has been strengthened when the answer arrived. Back in November of 2002
               I was working at the job God had provided for me, and He would allow me to seek
               no other employment even though my hours had been cut to only ten hours a week.
               Our bills were getting behind, and we were daily praying for the Father’s provision.
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