Page 73 - The Divine Quest
P. 73

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               Ah, this adds one more requirement to prayer! One must not only ask, seek and
               knock, but they must believe that they will receive what they ask for. Now we have
               the two main tenets of the conceive it and believe it camp. There are a host of people
               who are proclaiming that Scriptural prayer that pleases God can be taught from these
               two passages I have cited. No other conditions apply, and any prayer that meets
               these two conditions will receive an answer. Many poor saints have been harangued
               by  ministers  and  Christian  brothers  and  sisters  when  their  prayers  were  not
               answered. They have been told that they must be doubters, and that they have not
               prayed the prayer of faith.

               Many years ago I read the book “Joni” that told the story of Joni Eareckson Tada. As
               a teenager she was involved in a diving accident and was paralyzed from the neck
               down. She has a worldwide ministry today and has impacted the lives of millions of
               people with a positive witness of the love of God in the midst of suffering. In the book
               she told of some saints who told her that she would be healed of her paralysis if she
               only prayed believing. Condemnation was put upon her, and she was told that her
               unbelief and sin were what prevented her from receiving healing.

               There is an expression that speaks of ‘kicking someone while they are down’, and this
               speaks of a very low and diabolical action. It is something that the saints should not
               do, and certainly not to another child of God. Yet as Joni struggled to come to grips
               with the devastating physical suffering that had come upon her, she had saints add
               to her trial by heaping condemnation upon her. Joni testified that she did pray
               fervently for healing, yet God did not grant her request. Instead a great work of grace
               was wrought in her life where she learned to live joyfully before Christ without being
               delivered from her physical condition. The apostle Paul demonstrated this same
               thing many hundreds of years earlier.

               II Corinthians 12:7-10
               Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me
               from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan
               to torment me -- to keep me from exalting myself! Concerning this I implored the
               Lord  three  times  that  it  might  leave  me.  And  He  has  said  to  me,  "My  grace  is
               sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will
               rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
               Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with
               persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am

               What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh? I believe it was a physical condition that affected
               his eyesight and rendered him practically blind. I would not be contentious about
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