Page 72 - The Divine Quest
P. 72

The Divine Quest                     Page 69

               The Prayer of Faith

               Beginning at the wedding of Cana, the disciples of Christ had seen Him perform one
               miraculous work after another. He had turned the water into wine. He had healed
               the sick. He had cast out devils. He spoke with a wisdom that was divine in origin,
               and the disciples rightly connected all of these things with the prayer life of Yahshua.
               It was the Father working through Christ that performed all of these things (John

               It is understandable then, that the disciples should come to Christ and ask Him to
               teach them how to pray. The saints today also need to know how to pray if they want
               to see God working through them in power. We have mentioned that there are many
               wrong ideas about faith today, such as is evidenced in the prosperity doctrine which
               I would define as ‘conceive it and believe it’, but others have called ‘name it and claim
               it’, or a host of other unflattering titles. Where do such false doctrines arise from?
               Often they arise  from taking  a single  Scripture in isolation, without comparing
               Scripture to Scripture to get the full understanding of the mind of God. One such
               Scripture is as follows.

               Matthew 7:7-8
               “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened
               to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who
               knocks it will be opened.”

               Let  us  suppose  that  these  two  verses  are  the  only  verses  in  the  Bible  that  give
               instructions about prayer. If we were to take them by themselves we could well
               support the conceive it and believe it doctrine, and we could proclaim to all the saints
               that they can have anything their heart desires if they will simply ask, seek and
               knock. No other stipulations are listed here, so we could teach that the saint will
               receive a positive answer to their prayer every time that such a prayer is uttered.

               Some in the prosperity camp do teach such a thing, and this passage above is often
               cited, yet some go a bit further by adding one more verse as a requirement, for they
               realize that not every prayer is answered. If every prayer is not answered, then it
               would be quickly obvious to all who have the least discernment that something is
               wrong with this teaching. Therefore, the following Scripture is cited.

               Matthew 21:22
               "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
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