Page 71 - The Divine Quest
P. 71

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               I do not blame anyone for not desiring to suffer. Christ Himself has sympathy for us
               in our trials. Yet He has testified that there is no other path to glory. The road is
               narrow and few there are that find it. I hope to be able to encourage my brothers and
               sisters in some small way to pursue the course before them. Do not shrink back, but
               cast yourself unreservedly into the hands of God. He is a just, merciful and loving
               God. In all we go through we will never be separated from His love. Is there anything
               more needful than the love of the One who holds our lives in His hands?


               Father, may You have a host of glorified sons to come forth after the image of Your
               firstborn Son. Hold us to the course before us. You know our frame, that we are but
               dust. Have mercy upon us and pull us through when our strength and courage fails.
               Into Your hands we do commend our lives and we ask that You would deal with us
               as a loving Father with His willing children. Your mercies are new every morning.
               Lead us on the narrow path and hold tightly to our hand. Our hearts trust in You.
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