Page 60 - The Divine Quest
P. 60

The Divine Quest                     Page 57

               As we look at another Old Testament type we will be able to draw these two things
               together. The type is that of the Temple that was defiled during the reign of wicked
               kings. Under Kings such as Manasseh the Temple was defiled. He built altars to false
               gods, and set up an Asherah pole in the Temple. He filled it with all manner of
               idolatry and wickedness.

               Our bodies are like that Temple, and this is clearly declared by the apostles. We are
               called to cleanse our temples of all defilement so that the Holy Spirit can reside in
               holiness. The glory of the Lord will come forth more and more in these temples of
               clay as we remove all defilement and as we subdue and drive out all that stands in
               opposition to God. That which was a wasteland and a desolation becomes a land
               flowing with milk and honey. That which was a habitation of demons becomes a
               house of prayer where we commune with the Father.

               As we go in to possess the land, we do not have to choose our battles. The Spirit will
               choose them for us. He will tell us where to go and what to do. He will tell us where
               to position ourselves and where to stand our ground. As we follow we will enter into
               the overcoming life and begin to possess our possessions. This is the portion of Zion.

               Obadiah 17
               “But on Mount Zion there will be those who escape, and it will be holy. And the
               house of Jacob will possess their possessions.”

               This  theme  is  carried  forward  into  the  last  book  of  the  Bible,  for  we  see  the
               overcomers on Mount Zion, and we see an important thing spoken of them.

               Revelation 14:1-4
               Then I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him
               one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father
               written  on  their  foreheads...  These  are  the  ones  who  follow  the  Lamb
               wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to
               God and to the Lamb.

               The 144,000 represent the overcomers in Christ. It says particularly of them that
               they  follow  the  Lamb  wherever  He  goes.  This  is  our  calling  if  we  are  to  be
               overcomers, firstfruits unto God. Where He leads we must follow. Though He leads
               through the valley of the shadow of death, we must follow. He will be with us. He will
               never forsake us. We will be kept secure in Him at all times. He will take us into our
               inheritance, and part of this inheritance is peace.

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