Page 59 - The Divine Quest
P. 59

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               inheritance. This part is called Yahweh Shalom, ‘Yahweh our Peace.’ We find this
               name of God recorded in the book of Judges in the story of Gideon.

               Judges 6:24
               Then Gideon built an altar there to Yahweh and named itYahweh is Peace. To this
               day it is still in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.

               Yahweh Shalom is the Hebrew rendering for the name that Gideon called this place.
               The Spirit has been speaking to me and telling me that whereas I have gone in and
               taken possession of Yahweh Rapha and Yahweh Yireh for my family, I have done so
               with much trouble in my soul. I have not known the peace that is the inheritance of
               all of the saints. He desires that I might have this peace.

               In the New Testament we find many of these names repeated, and we see that God
               is our portion and we can enter into Him and know the bounty that He has for us.

               II Thessalonians 3:16
               Now  may  the  Lord  of  peace  Himself  continually  grant  you  peace  in  every

               I have not known peace in every circumstance, but this is what the apostle spoke as
               his desire for the church. It is also Yahweh’s desire for us. How will I take possession
               of this portion of my inheritance? I must follow where He leads and let Him fight for
               me. My part is to exercise faith in Him, and His part is to give me the victory. What
               a wonderful partnership. If God be for me, who can be against me?

               As I have followed the Spirit’s leading in the past months He has led me into some
               fierce battles, fiercer than I have known before. But the prize set before me is also
               great. What a marvelous thing to dwell in peace. The enemy does not want to give up
               this ground. He has built many strong towers here. I can tear down some of the
               towers and have a measure of peace, but if I want to fully enter into my inheritance
               as the Father desires me to, then I must not fall short of tearing down all of the
               strongholds the enemy has built and which he occupies. If I leave any he will remain
               in the land and shoot arrows at me which will cause me trouble.

               I have given two different analogies that may seem to conflict at this point. I have
               said that our soul represents the land that is filled with evil inhabitants that must be
               driven out, and I have said that this corresponds to the land of Israel. Yet I have also
               said that Yahweh is our portion and He also corresponds to the promised land that
               is set before us. These seem contradictory, but they are actually not.
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