Page 58 - The Divine Quest
P. 58

The Divine Quest                     Page 55

               We too take possession of our inheritance by faith. Yahweh is our portion and He
               says we can have as much of Him as we want. Do we want to know Him as provider?
               Then we must enter in by faith. We must drive out the enemy. What enemy is
               inhabiting the land of provision. For me, it has been fear. There have been giants of
               fear who have taken up residence in this land that was promised to me. I must drive
               them out. I must battle fear and overcome. Only then will I dwell peacefully in the
               land of Yahweh Yireh.

               In Exodus 15:26 we find Yahweh described as Yahweh Rapha, ‘Yahweh who heals
               you.’ If we want to go in and possess this portion of our inheritance, we must also
               battle by faith to enter in and drive out the inhabitants. I have described how Yahweh
               spoke to me and said He would heal my son of a hereditary bone disease. To receive
               the promise I had to exercise faith. The battle was the Lord’s, but I had to follow
               where He led and do what He said. This is also what the Israelites had to do.

               We should note that Yahweh did not lead the Israelites to do the same thing at every
               battle. To take Jericho they had to march around the city for seven days, and on the
               seventh  day  they  had  to  march  around  it  seven  times.  They  did  all  this  while
               remaining  silent.  After  marching  around  the  seventh  time  they  were  to  blow
               trumpets and shout, and the massive walls of Jericho came tumbling down. What an
               awesome scene that must have been. Like a thousand bombs going off at once, the
               wall was destroyed and the people were given into the hands of the Israelites.

               At the battle for the next city, Ai, God gave different instructions. It was fought more
               along the lines of a conventional battle. God told the Israelites which tribe was to
               lead in battle, and where they were to position themselves. In the same way God
               leads us by His Spirit to go in and possess the land before us today. He told me
               exactly what I must do to receive the promise of healing for my son. When I did it the
               promise  was  mine.  I  followed  in  faith  and  obedience  and  He  wrought  a  great
               deliverance.  When  He  said  He  would  be  health  for  my  entire  family  He  also
               instructed me in what to do. When I did it the inheritance was mine. We planted our
               feet in the land of Yahweh Rapha, stood against the enemy, and the enemy had to

               After this the Spirit told us that He wanted us to take possession of Yahweh Yireh,
               Yahweh our provider. A tremendous battle of faith ensued, and it is still continuing
               to this day. We are in the land. We are experiencing the provision of Yahweh on our
               behalf, yet not all of the inhabitants have gone peacefully. They keep making raids
               into the land to try to drive us back out, but as we stand in faith God will not allow
               us to be moved.

               A couple months ago the Spirit spoke to me to go in and possess a third part of our
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