Page 51 - The Divine Quest
P. 51

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               The Place of Peace

               Having  read  the  previous  chapter,  you  may  have  concluded  that  it  looks  like
               mankind, weak as we are, must always endure fear and anxiety, for this is our lot as
               long as we are clothed in this sinful, fallen flesh. It is true that there is great fear that
               is bound up in these fallen bodies which we inhabit, but there is a place of peace that
               the saint can attain to. I have received tremendous comfort in recent days as the
               Spirit has been testifying through many Scriptures that it is not the will of Christ that
               His disciples should carry fear and anxiety in their hearts.’

               The fact of the matter is that we have been commanded to not be anxious and fearful.
               Whenever Yahshua’s disciples manifested fear He chided them and gave them a
               reprimand. He would look at them and say, “You men of little faith! Why did you
               doubt?” We know that when Yahshua said, “Do not commit adultery,” that any who
               were  to  violate  His  command  would  be  displeasing  to  Him.  It  is  equally  a
               transgression  of  the  will  of  Christ  to  be  filled  with  anxiety  and  fear,  for  He
               commanded them “Do not fear.” Nor did He tell His disciples these things one time,
               but many.

               As you read through the following Scripture passages, consider the attitude of Christ
               toward anxiety and fear in the heart of man. Did He ever express pleasure over
               someone who was walking in fear? Did He ever commend their anxiety as being
               sensible? Did He give the idea that it was right, and even responsible, to worry about
               the things without which man could not live? Did He ever say, “Well done. You have
               proven yourself a good steward by having much care and anxiety in the performance
               of your duties”? Did He express an attitude that it was sinful to worry about the small
               things, but it was okay to be fearful about more perilous matters?

               I think you will see that Yahshua treated ALL fear and anxiety the same. He never
               condoned it. He never sympathized with it. He never expressed satisfaction in it.
               Instead, He consistently said, “Do not harbor it! Get rid of it! Replace it with faith!”

               Matthew 6:25-34
               “For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious about your life, as to what you
               will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not
               life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air,
               that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father
               feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being
               anxious can add a single hour to his life? And why are you anxious
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