Page 47 - The Divine Quest
P. 47

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               A trait of all overcomers in Christ is humility. Such ones do not have an elevated
               opinion of themselves, or of their own strength and abilities. Their confidence is in
               God Who has called them, and Who will surely keep them through all trials. This,
               once more, is a reason that Satan so opposes faith in the hearts of men and women.
               True faith exalts God. The false faith that is rampant in this hour exalts men, and
               men love to be exalted. The world can watch men prancing around on stage blowing
               on people and pushing on their foreheads, so that all can see the power in them as
               men and women fall to the ground. They present themselves as great giants of faith.
               True faith that pleases God does not act unbecomingly, but is marked by humility.

               As I have been writing this book, the Spirit has been reminding me of my own
               weakness and dependence upon Him. There have been a number of days recently
               when the Lord has pulled back His hand of protection from me just a little bit, and
               He has allowed the enemy to buffet me. I have felt that a fierce gale was raging in my
               soul, and words of anxiety and fear and doubt and unbelief were being carried to me
               on the wind. These words would slam into me and I would feel my flesh responding
               with a desire to flee. Satan has sought to move me from the ground the Spirit has told
               me to stand upon, and I have felt myself teetering at times.

               Yesterday was one such day. I dealt with battles raging in my soul all day long, and
               I prayed, and confessed, and praised God, but the intensity of the battle would not
               weaken. After a time I began to grow weary, and I even got down on my knees and
               wept  as  I  prayed  to  God  for  strength  and  deliverance.  I  felt  isolated  and  very
               vulnerable. In the evening I sent out an e-mail to the saints asking them to stand in
               intercession with me. I shortly received a number of e-mails back as brothers and
               sisters in Christ said they were standing with me in prayer. Before I even read their
               letters, however, I felt the impact of their prayers as the storm in my soul finally
               subsided and the light and peace of Christ came flooding in.

               The Spirit spoke to me through this and disclosed to me my great dependence upon
               Him. I have no reason to boast, weak and fearful as I am. If I have been able to stand
               in past trials, it has only been because He has strengthened me and given me the
               grace to do so. This strength and grace is available to all of the saints. After this
               experience, the Spirit began leading me to Scriptures that brought forth this point
               very clearly. He is the One who makes the saints to stand. The ability is not in

               Jude 24-25
               Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the
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