Page 44 - The Divine Quest
P. 44

The Divine Quest                     Page 41

               no man may boast before God.

               Do you feel that you are described in the passage above? If so, then congratulations
               to you! You are a perfect candidate for God to display His mighty power through. By
               choosing the foolish and weak and base and despised things of this world, and then
               displaying His awesome power through such vessels, He receives all the glory. God
               chose me for this particular walk based upon my insufficiency, and my inadequacy,
               and my weakness. If I had been a strong and self-confident person, full of faith in my
               own abilities, then I would have been led to boast about the great man of faith that
               I am.

               A few years back I wrote an article detailing some of the magnificent victories God
               has wrought on behalf of my family, and in it I described myself in this way:

               From my youth I have been beset with feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. I felt
               that I was somehow inferior to other people and that I was lacking in certain vital
               areas that I really couldn’t define, but which I felt nonetheless. I rarely looked
               people in the eyes when I spoke to them because of my insecurity. I was placed in
               a public speaking class once when I was in High School and the first day we had
               to state our name and  say one short fact about ourselves. I was mortified. I turned
               red and stammered and sweated and I went immediately afterward and dropped
               the class.

               I became so frightened about being in the public eye and put on the spot that I
               would avoid every situation that held fear for me. I was consumed with a fear of
               other people and their opinions of me, thinking that people would see my lack and
               failings and I would somehow be rejected. One of the most trying episodes for me
               was getting a haircut. While getting a haircut I was a captive and could not flee
               until it was over. I was afraid that I would get nervous while getting a haircut and
               that it would be noticed. I would begin to sweat profusely and this was impossible
               for the barber to not notice since my hair would be glistening with sweat while he
               was trying  to cut  it. Haircuts for me became  miserable  times as I tried to do
               everything to not think about getting nervous, only to fail time after time and to
               have my head dripping with sweat while the barber cut my hair. I even had a
               barber hand me a towel to dry my hair and wipe my brow as he noticed my

               I share these things with you to show you that I have not been a bold or self
               confident person. You can then understand that when I tell you how I have seen the
               power of God manifested in my life that God has done these things through a weak
               and insignificant vessel that He has chosen to display His power through. We are
               told that He has chosen the weak and the foolish things of this world to confound
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