Page 42 - The Divine Quest
P. 42

The Divine Quest                     Page 39

               I am a father who loves to give good gifts to
               His children. Trust My timing.

               You must learn to listen to My voice, and My
               voice alone. Take the path which I have set for
               you. Do not turn to the right or to the left.

               Hearing from God is crucial to a life of faith. We can be sure that the enemy will
               buffet us with many false and lying words as he seeks to instill fear in our hearts and
               turn us from the path set before us. It is critical that we learn to listen only to the
               voice of God. As this prophetic word states, this is something that we must learn. It
               does not come in a moment of time, but as the fruit of continual pressing in.

               Recently we had a day here in our new location where the wind blew hard all day
               long. The wind picked up speed as the day wore on and the trees were bent over
               under the onslaught. In the spirit I was also undergoing fierce gales of oppression as
               the enemy relentlessly attacked throughout the day. Anxiety kept buffeting me, and
               I had to fight to keep standing firm upon the ground of faith. I wondered how long
               the assault would last and when I would finally break through to realms of peace.
               Late in the day the peace finally came, even as the wind was abating outside.

               It is the Father’s will to allow us to be subjected to such onslaughts. In this way we
               learn to mature in our faith and to come to a place of steadfastness. At such times we
               must stand upon the word that has been sown in our spirit and upon our confidence
               in the love of God that will never allow us to encounter more than we can bear. His
               words to us must be more real to us than the physical world around us. We must give
               much attention to hearing from Him, for:

               Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


               Father, teach us to hear Your voice, and to distinguish it clearly from the voice of the
               enemy. Though the adversary comes in disguise, masquerading as a messenger of
               truth, he is a liar and the truth is not in him. May his disguise be revealed and his
               true nature uncovered, for he seeks only to kill, steal and destroy. You, however, have
               established plans for us, to give us a future and a hope. Teach us to wait patiently
               upon a word from You, and to stand when the word is given, not turning aside to the
               left or to the right.

               Your word, Father, is precious to us. Your word sustains the weary one, and gives
               courage to the fainthearted. We are but dust, but when You breathe upon us we are
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