Page 41 - The Divine Quest
P. 41

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               the Father to speak a clear word to me through my family.

               A short time later we gathered back together and my daughter Kristin, who was
               fourteen years of age at the time, handed me the paper she had written on. The
               anointing on the words she wrote has been so powerful that I have carried them with
               me constantly. There have been days when I have pulled them out numerous times
               to be encouraged by the words that the Spirit spoke to me through my daughter.
               Here is what the Spirit had Kristin record.

               I have great things in store for your family.
               Marvelous things that only I can get the credit for.

               My sheep will hear My voice and they will know
               that it is I, the Lord thy God.

               My provision is on its way. My timing is perfect.
               You need not fear any trouble, instead, trust Me.

               The time has not yet come to reveal all things,
               but behold, it is drawing nigh.

               You need have no less than great expectations, for
               I, the Lord thy God, am in control.

               Watch and wait.

               You must put behind you all foolish thoughts of
               doubt and disbelief, for great is My reward for
               those who trust.

               Forget not those things which I have done for
               you, and expect greater things in the future.

               I am a just God, those who put their life in
               My hands need never fear.

               Await with anticipation the things that are to
               come. They are drawing near.

               Those things which I have spoken to you will
               be fulfilled, for I do not lie.

               I have listened to your heart’s cry. I have
               not turned a deaf ear.
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