Page 36 - The Divine Quest
P. 36

The Divine Quest                     Page 33

               the Lord and trust Him to bring complete healing. The prospects of being healed
               when compared to lifelong diabetic management, knowing that there was no medical
               cure for diabetes and the condition usually worsened with age, caused me to prefer
               entrusting myself to God with anticipation of complete healing.

               Another contributing  factor  that  weighed  in  my  choice  to  trust  God  was  that  I
               considered what life would be like if God could not be trusted. I considered what the
               years ahead would be like if I devoted my life to serving a God who would not, or
               could not, meet my needs. The prospect was horrendous. I decided that I would
               rather go ahead and die of diabetes than to spend the rest of my life with the thought
               that God would not be there for me in my hour of greatest need. Life to me was not
               worth living if God could not be trusted. The only fulfillment and satisfaction I could
               envision in life was in entrusting myself to a heavenly Father who genuinely cared
               for me and who would not abandon me when I placed my life in His hands. How
               unbearable it seemed to me to serve a God I could not trust.

               With some trepidation, I went to the office at work during the allotted time and I
               asked them to cancel health insurance for myself and my family. I never took the
               advice of the emergency room doctor or the nurses, to go and see a family physician
               to begin treatment, and I cast myself wholly over onto Yahweh for healing. Over the
               next weeks I began to lose weight, when all of my previous efforts to do so had failed.
               I lost about forty pounds and all of the symptoms of diabetes disappeared. Within
               1-2 months I experienced complete healing, and to this date, now more than five
               years later, I have had no reoccurrence of any of the symptoms.

               Once more the pattern was shown in my life, that the word of God precedes faith. I
               had heard the Lord tell me that He wanted me to cancel health insurance on our
               family, and it would have been an easy enough thing to do if we had all been in great
               health. Yet He allowed me to be tested by asking me to do this thing when I was
               suffering from a serious condition and was being advised to seek medical attention
               quickly. Praise Yahweh! He is faithful! As Paul wrote:

               II Timothy 1:12
               For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that
               which I have committed unto Him against that day.

               Because hearing is such an important part of faith, being that which faith arises out
               of, the Spirit of God is willing to give us many confirmations of His will when we ask
               for it. We see this revealed most clearly in the life of Gideon. Gideon lived in a time
               when the children of God had been suffering defeat by their enemies on a continual
               basis for many years. Midianite bands had been coming in and raiding their land at
               the time of harvest and taking all their produce from the Israelites. Gideon was
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