Page 83 - Sarah's Children
P. 83

The same is certainly true of men who are afraid to trust Christ and to follow Him
               wherever He leads. Many refuse to let go of the reins of their lives. They fear that
               Christ might lead them down paths that are terrifying to them. They are afraid that
               somehow their own needs and desires will be overlooked or neglected. They respond
               out of fear and uncover their heads.

               We all need grace to walk in these things, tremendous grace. This life is fraught with
               perils, and we need the comfort and assurance of a Savior who loves us enough to lay
               down His life for us.

               I told you that my life changed irrevocably when I learned these truths and began to
               walk in them. Peace was the very first fruit that attended this understanding of
               government and submission. I had peace in my life that I lacked in prior days. I knew
               what was expected of me, and though I have been led through the valley of the
               shadow of death, I have clung to my Lord and Savior and followed Him where He led
               me. He has preserved me and brought me into much truth in the last nine years,
               truths that would have been withheld from me had I not accepted His government,
               rather than resisting it.

               When we enter into the place of submission and humility, this finds great favor with
               God. He knows our frame and our weaknesses. It finds great favor with Him when
               He sees us following the path of submission despite all of the fears and objections
               that arise within us. The word He gave me concerning those who obeyed Him in
               following this course is: “The eyes of Yahweh roam to and fro throughout the earth,
               that He might strongly support those whose hearts are wholly His” (II Chronicles
               16:9). When He finds such a one, He will move heaven and earth on their behalf.
               How beautiful is a submissive and trusting heart in His sight. His heart is captivated
               by the sight of such a one. With longing He desires to reach out and support those
               who have adorned themselves with a quiet and submissive spirit.
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