Page 81 - Sarah's Children
P. 81

testimony that, “I have covered my head so that I do not have my own
                       head, for I do not seek to be head. My head is veiled and I have accepted
                       man as head, and to accept man as head means that I have accepted
                       Christ as head and God as head. But some of you angels have rebelled
                       against God.” This is what is meant by “because of the angels.”

                       I have a sign of authority on my head. I am a woman with my head
                       covered. This is a most excellent testimony to the angels, to the fallen
                       and to the unfallen ones. No wonder Satan so persistently opposes the
                       matter of head covering. It really puts him to shame. We are doing what
                       he has failed to do. What God did not receive from the angels, He now
                       has  from  the  church.  Because  some  of  the  angels  do  not  submit
                       themselves  to  the  authority  of  God  and  of  His  Christ,  the  world  is
                       subject to great confusion. The fall of Satan has caused more trouble
                       than the fall of man. But, thank God, what He failed to get from the
                       fallen angels, He has obtained from the church.

                       When many of the sisters in the church take the place given to woman
                       and learn to cover their heads, they send out an unspoken word of
                       testimony to the angels in the air, to the effect that God has obtained in
                       the church what He desires. Because of this, woman must have on her
                       head a sign of authority, a testimony to the angels.

               I have written all this out for you because I truly desire that you would see the truth
               of the magnificent testimony of head covering. It is tragic that the church has been
               falsely taught that the grace of God nullifies the government of God. This is great
               error and it will keep many from progressing in the kingdom. Only the truly humble
               will be able to receive this message, for pride always desires to uncover its head and
               determine its own way.

               Even as many women do not want to have any man directing their activities, so many
               men do not want Christ to dictate to them. Obedience only occurs when the will of
               Christ coincides with the will of man, or when the will of the wife or daughter
               coincides with the will of the husband or father. The world is full of two-headed
               monsters for many refuse to cover their head, desiring rather to expose it as Satan

               Is it any wonder that this is such a difficult teaching, since it bears upon the original
               transgression of Satan. He has worked tirelessly to get all others to uncover their
               heads, even as he did. He would have the whole world uncovered before God. We see
               the tragic results of his efforts as children uncover their heads before their parents,
               wives  before  their  husbands,  men  before  Christ,  servants  before  their  masters,
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