Page 79 - Sarah's Children
P. 79

the grace I have received; I do not even dare think about it; on the
                       contrary, I accept God’s government. As Christ accepts God as His head,
                       so should every man accept Christ as his head. Likewise, woman should
                       representatively accept man as her head. In covering the head, the
                       woman signifies that she is not head, that she is as if she has no head -
                       for it is covered.

                       Let us remember that although in practice it is only the woman who has
                       her head covered, yet, in reality, Christ has His head covered before God
                       and every man has his head covered before Christ. Why, then, is it that
                       God  only  requires  woman  to  have  the  practice  of  having  her  head
                       covered? This indeed is marvelous, for it involves a very deep principle.

                       I often feel that it is impossible to talk with some brothers and sisters
                       about  head  covering  because  they  have  no  knowledge  of  God’s
                       government. Before anyone can understand head covering, he or she
                       must first know God’s government. The whole question is settled once
                       one sees that Christ has His head covered before God. How much more
                       ought I to have my head covered before Him! I must cover it so that it
                       is no longer seen or exposed, for Christ is my head. As a matter of fact,
                       everyone’s head must be covered before God. Since Christ is my head,
                       I cannot have my own head seen or exposed.

                       Here I would like to tell Christian women that God has appointed man
                       to be woman’s head. In these days when God’s authority is unknown in
                       the world, the Lord demands this order only in the church. It therefore
                       affects the very fact of our being Christians. God requires us in the
                       church to accept what He has appointed governmentally.

                       The Sister’s Responsibility

                       When a sister covers her head, she is standing before God on the basis
                       of Christ’s position before God and man’s position before Christ. God
                       wants  the  woman  to  cover  her  head  in  order  to  manifest  His
                       government on earth. This privilege falls only to woman. She does not
                       cover her head merely for her own self; she does it representatively. For
                       her own self, she does it because she is a woman; representatively, it is
                       because she represents man before Christ and Christ before God. So
                       when woman covers her head before God, it is just the same as if Christ
                       covered His head before God. Likewise, when woman covers her head
                       before man, it is just the same as if man covered his head before Christ.
                       Man or woman should have no head because Christ is head. If one’s
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