Page 78 - Sarah's Children
P. 78

He stands in the position of Christ, the One sent of God.

                       Some day the whole world will know that Christ is the head of all men,
                       for this is God’s governmental decision. Today this is known only in the
                       church; the world has no knowledge of it. But the day will come when
                       all the people of the world will recognize that Christ is the head. He will
                       have  the  preeminence  in  all  the  creation.  He  is  the  firstborn  of  all
                       creation  and  the  firstfruit.  Everyone  must  be  in  subjection  to  the
                       authority of Christ. Likewise, God’s appointment of man as head of
                       woman is also known only in the church today. Do you get the point?
                       Today the church alone knows that Christ is the head of man and that
                       man is the head of woman.

                       We  have  already  seen  how  grace  can  never  overthrow  God’s
                       government. I trust our lesson will become clearer as we learn that
                       grace is to support God’s government, not to destroy it. How can anyone
                       be so foolish as to use grace to interfere with God’s government? The
                       government of God is inviolable; His hand always sustains it. No one,
                       just because he has believed in the Lord, can overthrow the Father’s
                       authority, or even undermine the authority of any government. We
                       must not say that because we are Christians we do not need to pay
                       taxes. No, nothing of the sort! The better Christian you are, the more
                       you maintain the government of God.

                       We are here today to maintain God’s testimony in the world. God has
                       shown us that there are three different heads: God is head, Christ is
                       head, and man  is  head. This  is not a matter of being  brothers and
                       sisters; it is basically a governmental arrangement. Grace is concerned
                       with  brothers  and  sisters,  but  government  is  different.  God  has
                       sovereignly willed that the head of Christ is God Himself, so Christ must
                       obey; the head of man is Christ, so man must obey; and the head of
                       woman is man, and so woman should have the sign of obedience on her

                       The Meaning of Head Covering

                       “Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors
                       his  head.  But  every  woman  praying  or  prophesying  with  her  head
                       unveiled dishonors her head; for it is one and the same things as if she
                       were shaven” (I Corinthians 11:4-5).

                       The meaning of head covering is: I submit myself to God’s government;
                       I accept God’s appointed position; I dare not nullify His government by
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