Page 74 - Sarah's Children
P. 74

God’s Two Universal Systems

                       I would like to view this matter of head covering from far off; otherwise,
                       it will not be easy to understand I Corinthians 11. To comprehend this
                       chapter requires that we know God and His Word. First of all we need
                       to know that God has set up two systems in the universe: the system of
                       grace and the system of government.

                       The System of Grace

                       All that concerns the church, salvation, brothers and sisters, and God’s
                       children  is  included  in  God’s  systems  of  grace.  Everything  which
                       pertains to the Holy Spirit and to redemption belongs to the system of
                       grace. Within the proceedings of grace, the relationship of man and
                       woman is such that the Syro-Phoenician woman received grace from
                       God as much as the centurion. So did Mary as much as Peter. So, too,
                       might Martha and Mary have been raised from the dead as well as

                       The System of Government

                       But  there  is  another  system  in  the  Bible  which  we  will  call  the
                       government of God. This system is entirely different from that of grace.
                       God’s government is an independent system under which God does
                       whatever pleases Him.

                       When God created man, He created male and female. This belongs to
                       God’s government. He created male first and female next - also a matter
                       of His government. He does what pleases Him. He has a sovereign and
                       independent will. When He decided that the Lord Jesus should be the
                       seed of the woman, this too was God’s government. He does not take
                       man into His counsel...

                       Grace and Government Joined and Completed

                       These two systems of grace and government continued side by side until
                       the coming of the Lord Jesus. Quite evidently there are two sides to
                       God’s  work:  the  system  of  God’s  grace  and  the  system  of  God’s
                       providence proceed together in the world. The priests and the prophets
                       stand on the side of grace, maintaining the system of grace; the kings
                       and  the  leaders  of  Israel  stand  on  the  side  of  God’s  government,
                       maintaining the system of His government.
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