Page 73 - Sarah's Children
P. 73

This issue of authority and submission is such a vital element and the church has
               largely neglected it. Did you note Watchman Nee’s words earlier? He said that it is
               possible to offer sacrifices to God, it is possible to preach the gospel, it is possible to
               perform miracles, and in doing all of these things to bring glory to Satan. The only
               requirement is that we have not submitted to the will of the Father in these things.
               Satan does not fear the active saint  who  is  doing  great exploits  in  the name of
               Yahshua. He fears the one who is submitted to the authority of Yahshua.

               This is indeed the greatest and deepest principle in the kingdom of God. Deeper even
               than salvation. Truly, a person can be saved and still fail to walk under the authority
               of God, failing to recognize authority in the places Father has delegated it to man.
               The issue of covering is central to this issue.

               I think at times that Western men and women are at a disadvantage when it comes
               to understanding issues of government, authority and submission. We have been
               altogether steeped in democracy which turns the whole pattern of divine government
               on its head. In the kingdom of God all authority flows from Yahweh down to those
               whom He entrusts it to. In democracy, authority is determined by the people as they
               choose through election who the authorities will be over them. In the kingdom of
               God, all authority is established by God. In democracy it is “of the people, by the
               people, for the people.”

               We know little of submission in our Western society. In our government we can
               impeach, or recall a leader whom we do not like. In most of our churches we can do
               the same thing. In marriages it has become all too common to divorce a spouse that
               is viewed as unreasonable or hard to live with. On our jobs we have many different
               paths to go over a boss’ head if we don’t like the things they are doing. In the church,
               if people don’t like a particular minister they are free to go church hopping, looking
               for the one that is appealing to them. There is very little submission practiced in any
               realm of Western society.

               Israel is considered an Oriental culture, and Watchman Nee also being from the
               Orient has an advantage in discerning Paul’s instructions. However, it is not to his
               culture that he always relates back, but to the testimony of the scriptures themselves,
               and the witness of the Spirit of God. I have gained much from the teaching of this
               man whom the Father continues to use years after his death as a martyr in a Chinese
               prison. The following excerpts are from the chapter entitled “Head Covering” which
               is found in Watchman Nee’s book “Love One Another.”
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