Page 58 - Sarah's Children
P. 58
covering from that time forward. The awesome thing is that even as our disobedience
bears results in the lives of others, so too does our obedience. The godly example of
one person has often persuaded many others to a walk of godliness.
As a woman demonstrates honor toward her husband or father, others will take note.
A climate is set that encourages a response of honor from others. This is just a
beginning, however. There is much that has been lost that must be restored in this
day and hour. Never has the honor in the home been at a lower ebb. The tide has
gone far out and it must return.
A woman can instill a sense of honor in her home through her speech. We are told
that Sarah called Abraham ‘lord.’ In this way she honored her husband. It is a telling
example of how far we have fallen that this sounds absurd to most women today.
How does it make you feel? Would you feel silly or ashamed calling your husband
‘lord’? Why does it sound so abnormal?
We cannot say that using the title ‘lord’ is what sounds strange, for the church
predominantly uses this title when speaking of both Yahweh and Yahshua. What
strikes us as awkward and inappropriate is addressing man by this title.
Satan has done such a complete work of replacing honor with disrespect, and
submission with independence that the word ‘lord’ when applied to man sounds
wrong to our ears. But if the whole world is saying one thing and Yahweh says
something else, we must agree with Yahweh. Sarah called Abraham lord and she is
lifted up as an example of a godly woman for other godly women to emulate.
By your own speech, do you create an atmosphere of honor toward your husband or
father that is noticeable to others? In the introduction to this book we spoke of how
godly women are appearing as beacons of light in a darkened world. We spoke of
how a woman dressing modestly and practicing headcovering attracts the attention
of others. In the same way, the very speech of a godly woman should stand out in a
darkened society. It should be so noticeable as to turn heads.
In this day of rebellion and dishonor, the wife or daughter that demonstrates
submission and reverence in their speech will stand out as a bright, flashing, neon
sign. Is your speech attracting such attention? Do those who observe your
conversation note that you are not speaking in the same manner as the ungodly
society that you live in? They should. It should be visible to all. It should be especially
visible in your own home, and if you have children it should be very visible to them.
A wise woman will build her house, but a foolish woman will tear it down by
exhibiting dishonor in her attitudes and speech. The tongue has such power in it.
There is a tendency to not be careful about our words. If we are engaged in