Page 57 - Sarah's Children
P. 57

these things? Quite often children are encouraged to rebel simply because they see
               a rebellious attitude in their mother as she relates to her husband or other men. How
               awesome and transforming it would be for the children to see their mother remain
               chaste and respectful even when her husband is disobedient to the word of God. The
               children would see demonstrated before them the principle that rebellion is never
               justified, and honor is always required.

               Often children are loud, self-willed and rebellious because they have observed their
               mother or father also being self-willed. They have observed that their mother has her
               own life and is very assertive in her independence. They have not seen in her a
               gentle, quiet and submissive spirit. Therefore the children also lack these same

               We often see in movies or on television the stereotype of a meek man who is wed to
               a strong and assertive woman. She may be disappointed that her husband does not
               take a firm stand in some matter. She may consider him to be too lenient with a
               repairman  or  salesperson.  She  may  nag  her  husband  to  be  more  forceful  and
               assertive, or she may simply take things into her own hands and assert herself with
               strong words and forceful actions as she deals with the repairman, the salesperson,
               the neighbor, the friend, the mother-in-law, etc.. Yet every time a woman resorts to
               this  type  of  behavior  she  dishonors  her  husband  and  she  promotes  a  spirit  of
               dishonor in her family.

               If you are dealing with rebellion among your children, ask yourself if you have been
               perfect in submitting to your husband as to the Lord. Have you reverenced him by
               being content with his judgment or actions in some matter, or have you usurped his
               authority by taking things into your own hands to make sure things are done to your
               satisfaction? Our actions and attitudes bear fruit in the lives of others. My own bride
               was led to begin practicing headcovering when the Spirit spoke to her through the
               rebellion and disobedience of our son.

               I have taught and written about the matter of headcovering, and from the beginning
               of our marriage relationship  I told my wife  that headcovering was  something  I
               desired  for  her  to  practice.  I  did  not  hound  my  wife  about  the  issue,  but  she
               understood my desire in the matter. One day as Tony was dealing with our son and
               he was not obeying in a prompt manner, she became angered by his recalcitrant

               As she was considering what her next response should be to our son, the Spirit spoke
               to  Tony  and  reminded  her  of  her  own  hesitation  to  obey  in  the  matter  of
               headcovering. The Spirit so convicted Tony about her own reluctance to obey, and
               He revealed  to  her  how  this  behavior was  mirrored in  our son, that she  began
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