Page 55 - Sarah's Children
P. 55

Have you noticed how absent honor is from homes today? It seems that honor is
               viewed as being as archaic and as outdated as the concept of a wife calling her
               husband ‘lord.’ I see great dishonor in families today. Even in Christian homes I have
               observed children cursing their parents, yelling at them, pushing them, and treating
               them with great contempt. I have seen sons and daughters willfully disobeying their
               mother and father, often with the parents trying to placate the anger of their children
               by  giving  in  to  the  child’s  tantrum.  I  have  seen  wives  publicly  correcting  their
               husbands and reproving them without any shame. I have heard adult saints boasting
               about harshly reproving their elderly parents for some decision or action.

               In all of this the honor that is due those who are to be honored is missing. Paul
               instructed the church in this way.

                       Romans 13:1-2, 7
                       Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For
                       there  is  no  authority  except  from  God,  and  those  which  exist  are
                       established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed
                       the  ordinance  of  God;  and  they  who  have  opposed  will  receive
                       condemnation upon themselves... Render to all what is due them: tax
                       to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor
                       to whom honor.

               The civil governments of this world would fall into anarchy if there were no honor
               given to the authority they wield. Similarly, in the home chaos ensues when honor
               is lacking. A wise woman builds her home by instilling within it a sense of honor.

               It is all too common today for a woman to speak criticisms of her husband publicly.
               It is also very common to hear a wife making her husband the butt of a joke, or of
               some jest. I have sat in a home church group and listened as the wife of a pastor
               mimicked how her husband would whine and cajole and urge her to obey him in
               some manner. This woman thought it was some type of sport to poke fun at her
               husband and to embarrass him publicly. It was no coincidence that I observed this
               same woman speaking harshly, and in a condemning manner, to her mother in the
               presence of others.

               There is an appalling lack of honor among the saints today, on the job, in their
               homes, in relation to the civil governments, in the churches, and in every realm of
               authority which Yahweh has established. But perhaps nowhere is the damage seen
               as clearly as in the home. A wise woman will build her home by doing everything she
               can to ensure that honor is present.

               Restoring honor, first and foremost, must begin with the woman’s own relationship
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