Page 51 - Sarah's Children
P. 51

back hope in a time when he desperately needed hope. And in the end she turned the
               heart of the man who would be the greatest king to ever rule Israel and she kept him
               from grief.

               David,  did  give  place  to  wrath.  He  accepted  Abigail’s  gift  and  he  and  his  men
               returned, and Yahweh did exact vengeance for Nabal’s wickedness. We are told that
               about ten days later God struck Nabal and he died. David then took Abigail to be his

               Is it any wonder that David took this woman to be his wife? Man needs a helper and
               Abigail had already proven herself as one who was a great help to David. When he
               was desperate she brought him hope. When he was in pain she eased his hurt. When
               he was doubting that he would see the word of Yahweh fulfilled, she spoke words of
               great confidence as one who saw the promises already accomplished.

               This is the awesome power of a godly woman in the life of a man. Yahweh has placed
               such influence within this creation He has called woman. She can help man to reach
               the goal before him and to achieve the prize. She can encourage man when he faints,
               and lift him up when he falters. She can produce in him a desire to be better that he
               has ever been before. Blessed are the Abigail’s, the women of wisdom who use their
               tongues to build up and not to tear down, to bring forth life, and not to spread death.
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