Page 50 - Sarah's Children
P. 50

Many men have doubts and insecurities about their call and election. Many who have
               been called to minister in some capacity endure great torments when they find
               themselves walking as outcasts and rejected by the mainstream. Often these doubts
               can be such a weight of reproach that they lead the person to sin, even as David
               would surely have sinned had Abigail not interceded.

               Look at Abigail’s words. She knows the distress in David’s heart. She is a wise woman
               and she perceives the issues that are warring within David. She understands what
               is necessary to raise him back to a place of faith so that he will not act out of his
               desperation and frustration. She begins by speaking of the surety of his calling and
               she declares with great confidence that David will certainly see all that Yahweh has
               spoken to him fulfilled.

               This was really the heart of David’s anguish. The promise of Yahweh had tarried. It
               had been many years since the oil was poured over his head by Samuel and the years
               had driven him far from a place where he expected to see the promises of God
               fulfilled. These thoughts tormented his heart and were like a goad in his spirit.
               Abigail proved herself to be a cheerleader of David, rooting for the fulfillment of
               God’s purposes in his life with these words:

                       Yahweh will certainly make for my lord an enduring house, because my
                       lord is fighting the battles of Yahweh, and evil will not be found in you
                       all your days. Should anyone rise up to pursue you and to seek your life,
                       then the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with
                       Yahweh your God; but the lives of your enemies He will sling out as
                       from  the  hollow  of  a  sling.  And  when  Yahweh  does  for  my  lord
                       according  to  all  the  good  that  He  has  spoken  concerning  you,  and
                       appoints you ruler over Israel, this will not cause grief or a troubled
                       heart to my lord, both by having shed blood without cause and by my
                       lord having avenged himself. When Yahweh deals well with my lord,
                       then remember your maidservant.

               David needed someone to understand what had been promised to him. He needed
               someone  to  encourage  his  heart  when  all  the  circumstances  around  him  were
               discouraging. He needed to hear from the lips of another person that his situation
               was not hopeless, but that Yahweh would perform all He had spoken. Abigail’s words
               were like a healing balm to David’s aching heart. She encouraged him with words of
               faith and hope, and as she did so David’s desperation and pain was washed away to
               be replaced with calm and peace and with the patience to wait upon Yahweh.

               What perception was in the heart of this woman! She did not go out and scold David
               for wanting to destroy her family. She did not tell him that the course he was on was
               wicked. No, she affirmed him and encouraged him and lifted him up. She brought
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