Page 48 - Sarah's Children
P. 48

I  have  spoken  of  these  things  in  common  terms,  but  there  are  great  spiritual
               principles involved. There are numerous scriptural examples of women who have
               pursued the same course demonstrated by my wife and they have changed the hearts
               of men. One of the clearest examples is found in the encounter between David and
               Abigail. I have been amazed as I considered the wisdom of this woman and how she
               changed the heart of David and kept him from a path he would surely have regretted.

               During the time that David had to flee Israel to escape the wrath of King Saul, he had
               about six hundred men join themselves to him and they became a traveling band of
               warriors who would fight against the enemies of Israel. At times, however, they
               would attempt to settle down in one location, and during one such time they found
               themselves in a region where a wealthy man by the name of Nabal pastured his
               flocks. Shepherds at the time were always in danger from marauding bands who
               would seek to come in and steal flocks and kill or chase off the shepherds. David’s
               men, however, not only restrained themselves from stealing Nabal’s flocks, but they
               protected his shepherds and flocks from others.

               At then end of the year when it came time to shear the sheep, Nabal gave a huge
               party  and  celebrated  for  many  days.  David  sent  a  couple  of  his  young  men  as
               ambassadors to Nabal anticipating that in his prosperity and great celebration he
               would desire to reward David and his men for their service in protecting his flocks
               and servants. However, Nabal acted foolishly and he insulted David and his men and
               he sent David’s men back empty handed.

               David was enraged when he heard of Nabal’s insults (Nabal even accused David of
               being a rebellious servant that had broken away from King Saul). David, whose
               actions were typically very humble, responded in pride and swore that he would not
               leave a single male living in Nabal’s household to see the light of day. He and his men
               proceeded to go to Nabal’s home with the intent of slaughtering everyone.

               This would have been great sin had David done what was in his heart. Yahweh has
               said, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay” (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19). We are
               advised to give place unto wrath and to not take vengeance into our own hands.
               Fortunately, the Father sent a woman to dissuade David from his course, and her
               words are a study in wisdom and humility.

                       I Samuel 25:23-35
                       When Abigail saw David, she hurried and dismounted from her donkey,
                       and fell on her face before David and bowed herself to the ground. She
                       fell at his feet and said, "On me alone, my lord, be the blame. And please
                       let your maidservant speak  to you, and listen to the words  of your
                       maidservant. "Please do not let my lord pay attention to this worthless
                       man, Nabal, for as his name is, so is he. Nabal is his name and folly is
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