Page 40 - Sarah's Children
P. 40

day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching
                       and preaching Yahshua as the Messiah.

               The apostles kept on doing that which Yahshua commanded them, but they also
               submitted to the punishment of wicked rulers. Not only did they submit themselves,
               but they rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for the name of Yahshua.

               It will happen on occasions that a woman or daughter will have to suffer for their
               obedience. A wife may be beaten even as the apostles were beaten. Many stories have
               been told of a daughter or wife who committed their life to Yahshua in some Muslim
               or Hindu nation and they were killed because they would not renounce their Savior.
               The Heavenly Father may not always spare us the consequences of obedience, but
               there is great reward to those who suffer in this way.

                       Matthew 5:10-12
                       "Blessed  are  those  who  have  been  persecuted  for  the  sake  of
                       righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you
                       when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of
                       evil against you because of Me.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in
                       heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who
                       were before you.”

               I suppose that we can really not imagine the reward that awaits those who suffer for
               obedience in the name of Christ. There have been some awesome rewards given by
               men to other men due to some act of bravery or great service. But all the rewards of
               this earth pale in comparison to the reward that flows from the hand of the Creator
               of the Universe. When He bestows honor and reward it is something of such far
               surpassing value as to render the recipient speechless and to have them sink to their
               knees declaring that they are not worthy. Such is the reward of the Overcomer.

               There has been a tendency to look at the above scripture and to think that it only
               applies to missionaries or evangelists or some Christian worker who is persecuted
               for their testimony of Christ. The scripture states, “blessed are those who have been
               persecuted  for the sake of righteousness.”  This  is  speaking  of much more than
               evangelism. It is speaking of any occasion when we choose obedience to God over
               conformity to this world and the will of sinful man.

               When a woman is put in a position of deciding whether to obey God or man, and she
               chooses obedience to God, she is a candidate to receive the blessing and reward
               spoken of here. Whenever suffering results due to a choice to remain faithful to
               Yahweh, there will be reward.

               In the preceding chapter I spoke of the tragedy of a young girl whose father sexually
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