Page 34 - Sarah's Children
P. 34

But Peter and the apostles answered,
                                        “We must obey God rather than men.”

                                                         Acts 5:29

                                                 Obeying Authorities

                      he previous chapter leads into a great and often troubling question. What
                      should a woman do when she is commanded by a husband or father to commit
               Tsin?  We  know  that  the  abiding  principle  in  all  relationships  involving
               authorities that Yahweh has established is to obey. But what do we do when the
               authority of man contradicts the authority of God?

               The opening verse of this chapter should give one answer enough, but more should
               be said  about this matter. There is always a tendency to go to extremes in one
               direction or another. Some have mistakenly declared that if a husband or father is
               walking in disobedience that he is no longer to be considered an authority at all, and
               some have used such thinking to justify rebellion and the casting away of all earthly
               authority. Others have gone the other direction and have declared that a woman
               must obey her husband or father even when instructed to commit sin. We will see
               clearly from scripture that both of these views are in error.

               Let us begin by looking at the latter error. It has been taught by some that a woman
               must ALWAYS obey her husband or father, even when commanded to sin. Some
               have used the example of Sarah as an illustration to support this conclusion. Since
               Sarah is given as an example for godly women to emulate in I Peter chapter 3, some
               have supposed that they are to imitate everything in Sarah’s life. However, Peter is
               quite precise about what aspect of Sarah’s conduct should be imitated. He states:

                       I Peter 3:5-6
                       For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God,
                       used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands; just
                       as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her
                       children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.

               It is evident that Sarah’s reverent and respectful attitude toward her husband is the
               characteristic Peter is praising. He is not saying that women should do everything
               that Sarah did  in  her life. We are told on one occasion  that  when Sarah heard
               Yahweh declare that she would bare a child in her advanced age that she laughed.
               When Yahweh asked her why she laughed she replied that she had not laughed, lying
               because she was afraid (Genesis 18:12-15). We know that lying is wrong, so we
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