Page 16 - Sarah's Children
P. 16

in the image and glory of God?” It is because the whole world lies in the power of the
               evil one and he has diminished the knowledge of who we are through his deceit.

               What if Yahweh God decided by His own counsel to create a magnificent being called
               man that would share His very nature and character, likeness and glory? What if he
               decided to place His own Spirit within these beings and to through these beings to
               eventually put every enemy under His feet and to share His very throne with them?
               What if these beings were so designed that they could walk as the very friends of God
               and He could have fellowship with them? What marvelous creatures they must be!

               Can you begin to see the warfare that has gone on in this area? Satan has sought to
               cause women to view their calling as a helper to man to be a lowly and detestable
               calling, even as he abandoned his role and purpose due to the same error. Yet their
               calling is high and lofty. A woman is purposed to be the helper, companion, lover,
               and friend of the only beings created in the image of God. This is a high and excellent
               calling and it is not to be despised.

               I am convinced that one of the things a woman is called to in her role of a helper to
               man is to help him recover the understanding of who he was created to be. When a
               woman treats her husband with reverence and respect she is affirming him and
               magnifying his own understanding of his high calling. When women fail to respect
               men they act as a drag and a weight upon the man. By failing to respect man, man
               is encouraged even more to not respect himself and he sinks lower and lower.

               A part of the high calling of women in this day and hour is to help men to regain the
               understanding that they were created in the image and likeness and glory of God.
               This will ultimately prove to be to the woman’s benefit. When a man sees himself as
               created in the image of God, he will begin to act more godly. He will treat his wife
               with love, compassion, mercy, and understanding. His behavior in all ways will
               become more elevated. When man begins to see that he is in the image of God and
               not a mere beast, he will also begin to see that his wife is much more than a physical
               body to be lusted after or despised.

               Man needs a helper. It was Yahweh’s own declaration that it was not good for man
               to be alone. There has been no day when his need has been greater. May many
               daughters of Sarah come forth to elevate their husbands, to lift them up in the midst
               of a world that seeks to diminish them. May they by their very behavior, by their
               conversation and respectful demeanor, remind their men that they were created in
               the image of God and theirs is an exceedingly high calling.

               Such is Yahweh’s purpose and will for women. May none despise it.
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