Page 118 - Sarah's Children
P. 118

His will through us as we submit to Him. We believe that we are already seated with
               Him in heavenly places. We believe that we are righteous in Him, and not by our own

               When the Jews  asked  Yahshua what they must do to do the works  of God,  He

                       John 6:29
                       "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."

               When the seed falls into the ground and dies, it does not arise as it once was. It now
               expresses a new life that has been present inside the seed. The seed does not have to
               strain to bring forth this new life, it simply has to submit to the process of death and
               the life will come forth of its own. We cannot bring forth fruit by striving. The whole
               life of Christ is entered into by belief.

               No one can walk this path for you. Each person must enter in themselves. I cannot
               bring you to the place of total comprehension of all the dynamics of this life. But I
               can show you the doorway. Death is the door through which we enter into life. This
               book has been focused upon showing women that the way before them is the way of
               suffering and death, but this path leads to life. For any woman to embrace the
               government of God she must die to her own soul life, to her will, her desires, her own
               rule, her goals, her aspirations, and her dreams.

               The woman who refuses to embrace this path of crucifixion will never find the door
               to life. She may feel that she is protecting her life by avoiding this path, but in the
               end she will lose it and she will never find within her being the release of true life.
               She will forever be walking according to the carnal nature that is passing away,
               forfeiting the experience of knowing what it is to have Christ live in her.

               This at last is the glory and reward of the godly woman. By dying to her own life and
               having the hard outer shell of her earthen vessel broken open, she experiences the
               life of Christ being revealed through her. The treasure within is revealed for all to see.
               She is a transformed woman and all who come into her presence must note the
               difference. She has exchanged her life for the life of her Savior.

               May it be said of many women that “they loved not their life to the death” (Revelation
               12:11). May it equally be said that “In them was life, and this life was the light of men”
               (John 1:4). Yes, this was spoken of the Savior, but it should be equally true of each
               of us, for we have this treasure in earthen vessels.

               Selah (Pause and consider)
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