Page 115 - Sarah's Children
P. 115

Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death,
                 so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we
                                           too might walk in newness of life.

                                                       Romans 6:4

                                        The Reward of the Godly Woman

                        aving  read  this  book  thus  far,  it  should  be  evident  that  the  Father  has
                        established His government in such a way that everyone who submits to His
               Hgovernment must go through a process of crucifixion and death. Yahshua set
               the example when He submitted to His head and He went to the cross. Man is to
               follow as he takes Christ as head and dies to his own soul life. Woman completes the
               pattern by taking man as her head and dying to her soul’s desires and will.

               All  would  be  bleak,  however,  if  we  merely  stopped  at  the  point  of  crucifixion.
               Yahshua did not stay on the cross forever. Despite all the crucifixes that adorn
               church walls and are hung on chains around people’s necks, Yahshua is no longer on
               the cross. As a seed is planted in the ground and dies, so too did He die and he was
               buried. But praise Yahweh, He has risen again to new life and has sat down at the
               right hand of the Father.

               The government of God is ordered in such a way that those who will submit to it will
               find the hard outer shell of their life experiencing extreme pressures. The flesh does
               not want to die. The soul life of man does not want to submit to Yahweh’s rule and

               As we choose the path of obedience we find that our soul life is crushed, but then a
               marvelous thing happens. Even as the shell of a seed must be broken open for new
               life to spring forth, so too in our lives, when we submit to the breaking of God, we
               will find new life being released from us. This new life is not of man, it is of Christ.
               As we submit to the process of crucifixion, and as we lay down our life, we gain the
               release of the life of Christ within.

               Many speak of having eternal life as if it is some gift that merely extends their mortal
               life. Eternal life is much more than this. Eternal life is a person. Yahshua said, “I am
               the way, the truth, and the life...” (John 14:6). When we are born again we receive the
               life  of  Christ  within  our  beings.  “We  have  this  treasure  in  earthen  vessels”  (II
               Corinthians 4:7). But even as Gideon and his three hundred men had to break the
               clay jars that covered their torches for the light to shine forth, so too must the
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