Page 114 - Sarah's Children
P. 114

your own will, desires, and goals. Have you been thinking upon what you desire out
               of life? Have you been focused upon your own fulfillment? If you continue on this
               course then you will fail to make your husband successful.

               The Kingdom of God is built upon the principle of servanthood. It may seem that I
               am  proclaiming  something  that  would  give  men  the  license  to  be  domineering
               tyrants. This is not so. The man is called to lay down his life to do the will of Christ.
               Christ will lead the man to be a servant to others.

               There are always instances where a man is not walking as he should in submission
               to Christ, and a woman feels she is in a perilous place and that her needs will not be
               considered if she lays down her life for her husband. Such a woman must consider
               that her own example of godliness and humility may affect her husband for good, but
               if she chooses the road of rebellion then she will certainly fail to influence him to
               walk in obedience and humility. Rebellion does not produce obedience. It merely
               leads to strife and conflict. It is only when a woman bears up when suffering unjustly
               that her behavior finds favor with God. It is only when she is walking submitted to
               her husband that the Father will act quickly to bring correction to the authority in

               I will conclude this chapter with these words. A woman who lays down her own goals
               and desires  may have them given  back to her at some time. There is  a pattern
               revealed in scripture where the Father gives someone a vision, but  the vision dies
               completely only to be reborn and fulfilled by the power of the Spirit. In this way the
               Father removes the flesh from our actions and pursuits.

               You may have some great talent, or you may feel some great call on your life. So did
               Moses and Joseph when they were young, but their hopes and dreams died, and all
               possibility of their dreams being resurrected through any effort of their own was
               removed. Only when they died to seeking to accomplish their dreams in their own
               strength could the Father fulfill His purposes in them.

               Death precedes life. Humility comes before honor. Yahweh will ask you to lay that
               which is dearest to you on the altar. Your Isaac must be sacrificed. Only when you let
               go of what has a hold on your heart will you be truly free.
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