Page 113 - Sarah's Children
P. 113

appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the
                       point of death, even death on a cross.

               We will likewise be successful when we are able to let go of everything in our lives,
               when we claim no personal ownership or will of our own. When we can empty
               ourselves  and  humble  ourselves  as  a  servant  to  others,  then  we  will  meet  with
               success. This is the will of the Father for us.

               If a wife cannot take her husband to be her lord, then how can she take Christ to be
               her Lord? If she cannot humble herself before the husband that she sees, then how
               will she humble herself before Christ whom she does not see? There is no difference
               before God in submitting oneself to Yahweh’s direct authority, or to the authority
               that He has granted to Christ and to man.

               There is a very consistent pattern exhibited in Yahweh’s government. Yahweh is the
               head of Christ, and Christ lives to do the will of the Yahweh. Christ is the head of
               man and man lives to do the will of Christ. Man is the head of woman and woman
               lives to do the will of man. Even as Christ lays down His life, so man lays down his,
               and woman lays down hers. Even as Christ did not choose His will when it conflicted
               with the Father’s, so man is not to choose his will over Christ’s, nor is woman to
               choose her will over man’s.

               As a man, it is necessary that I constantly seek to know the will of Christ that I might
               fulfill His desire. Likewise, wives are to seek to know the will of their husbands so
               that they might fulfill their desire.

               If woman is seeking to fulfill the desire of her husband, and her husband is seeking
               to fulfill the desire of Christ, and Christ is seeking to fulfill the desire of the Father,
               then all is in harmony and the will of the Father is being accomplished throughout
               the entire Kingdom of God.

               This seeking should be an active seeking on all levels. Man need not wait until Christ
               hits him over the head with some command. Man should apply himself to search out
               the mind of Christ. Man must learn to discern the still, small voice of Christ. Even
               so, woman should actively seek to know the will of her husband. If you are married,
               do not wait for your husband to verbalize his desires. Seek them out. He may not
               always tell you what is really on his heart. Learn to read between the lines and to pick
               up on the subtle hints that he gives. Be mindful of the things he has spoken to you.
               Become attentive to him with a desire to make him successful.

               If you have been as the young man who had to be told everything, then it will take
               effort to train yourself to do otherwise. Foremost, you must die to being focused on
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