Page 112 - Sarah's Children
P. 112

To begin to cook healthy would require learning many new things and overcoming
               old habits.

               My wife is now beginning to look into this matter of healthier cooking, and I am very
               thankful for it. I desire to be healthier and to feel healthier. Now that I am seeing in
               her a desire to prepare healthy foods for our family to eat, my mind is freed of its
               burden in this area. I know that as my wife applies herself to this area that our whole
               family will benefit, and I will personally begin to experience very real improvements
               in regard to physical stamina, emotional well being, and bodily health.

               A husband may express a desire similar to the one’s I have mentioned here, but their
               wife may not take any real steps on their own to satisfy their husband’s wishes or
               desires. They may be more like the young man who had to be told everything. But a
               godly woman who wants her husband to be successful will apply herself, and she will
               do all she can to anticipate and fulfill his desires.

               There are a myriad of things a wife can do to help her husband to be more successful
               in life. To do so, however, she must put away her own self-focus and she must
               become attentive to his life, seeking to help him achieve the calling on his life. Again,
               she will only do this as she looks to a heavenly reward and as she dies to the desires
               of her own soul with its longing to find fulfillment while in these earthly bodies.

               I am sure that some are thinking here that the woman who lives to help her husband
               fulfill his calling will be hindered or robbed of pursuing the call on her own life.
               Those who make this objection are not understanding that this is the  call on a
               woman’s life. Even as a man is to live to fulfill the desire of his Head, woman was
               created to be a helper for man.

               Another thing that is not understood is that the calling of every man and woman is
               to  be  conformed to  the  image  of  Christ.  This  conformity is  not  so  much  about
               outward activity as it is about an inward transformation. Yahshua was meek, and
               humble, and selfless. Success in life comes by being conformed to this same image.

               Success is not being a great musician so that you can lead others in praise of Yahweh.
               It is not about writing books that others will read and notice. It is not about being the
               most learned, or eloquent, or well known, or having the most achievements to boast
               about. Success is conformity to Christ, and we have these words regarding Yahshua.

                       Philippians 2:5-8
                       Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Yahshua, who,
                       although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with
                       God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a
                       bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in
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