Page 109 - Sarah's Children
P. 109

The minister began to build the fence and he would ask the young man for a board,
               or some nails and the young man would bring them over. Building a fence is a very
               repetitious chore and one would expect that this young man would catch on quickly
               and he would anticipate what his employer needed next, but he never acted as if he
               did. After a short while it should have been obvious that the minister was going to
               need a board next, or some more nails, or some other thing, but the young man never
               anticipated his wishes. He always had to be asked to bring another board. He always
               had to be asked to do everything.

               Needless to say, the minister’s experience with this young man was not satisfying to
               him. The job went much slower than it could have had the young man made himself
               more useful.

               In relating this story, the minister was actually speaking of the calling of those under
               authority to make those over them successful. Whether the authority is on the job,
               in the home, or in some other sphere of life, those under authority should have the
               goal of making those in authority as successful as possible.

               If this had been the young man’s goal he would have tried to anticipate what he could
               do to make the fence building proceed with the greatest efficiency. He could have
               anticipated his employer’s needs and he could have been ready to hand him a board
               without needing to be asked. He could anticipate when nails were running low and
               fetch some more without being instructed to do so. He could have in many ways
               brought a greater success to the one who hired him.

               Why did the young man not do so? It was most likely because the young man was
               self-focused. He was not working to make his employer successful, he was working
               to earn some money for himself. He was oblivious to anything but his own desires
               and goals. He simply wanted to get through the day and collect his money.

               In the same way, many wives are self-absorbed. They are consumed with thoughts
               of what they desire to get out of life and what they can do to get there. At times their
               husbands will ask them to do something that will throw a wrench in their own plans,
               and then the stage is set for them to decide whether they will live for their own
               desires, or whether they will be subject to their husbands as to the Lord.

               It is the rare wife who will subject her will to her husband’s, freely and without
               murmuring or complaining. There is a remnant who are seeking to be obedient, but
               if a wife merely obeys when asked to do so, she has done no better than the young
               man who helped this minister build his fence. She has not really applied herself to
               making her husband successful.
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